Skids the Charmin Bear

Thank you, I needed that. Hugs and hope from El Paso.

I’m in El Paso. Donated and signed up to volunteer. I see exclusively Beto signs but I know that doesn’t mean much here. 

“Anything with Mr. or Ms.”

Central MN Jezzie here too! Also, fuck Michele Bachmann! Central MN is majorly racist and hateful.

please tell me more about how you set this up! this may be the parent solution i need in my life!

this is/was my girlhood dream. the only thing i regret about my courthouse wedding is missing out on all those sweet sweet presents and the fact that my husband insisted we invite immediate family..

Yes, I know many dual career couples and it is often hell for them. The woman’s career quite often has to take the back seat to the man’s career, as well as family needs. It is incrementally harder to move wherever the best job is when you have a spouse, pets, and kids...

As the trailing spouse of an academic, I can only say that if you are relentless in applying for jobs, are willing to move anywhere, and then move again, you may get a job you really want. Obviously, it’s different for every field, but my spouse applied for over 150 jobs the first time out of the gate and ended up

Brainerd is my home town and I lived in Fargo for five years - yes we talk like that and yes we are (mostly) all that nice!!!

I’d gladly move back to ND if it meant no more showering! Have you ever not had enough time to dry your damn hair in the morning only to step outside and have a head full of hair-cicles?

wearing a veil to work tomorrow!

People who like sugary things are sweeter in disposition:

These survey respondents be all like the Rachel Dolezals of vegetarians. Just because you say you are something doesn't make it so!