On behalf of all white people, I’m sorry.

“If we appoint strict constructionists to the Supreme Court as Donald Trump intends to do, I believe we will see Roe v. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs”

I had a huge response typed but when I realized I don’t care. Clearly no one agrees with you and your viewpoint because you haven’t even gotten a single stared comment. Whereas mine has done nothing but grow every time I look at it. I’m not posting again on this because you’ve got to be semi delusional to keep

STFU I’m 39. Just because someone has an issue with something... doesn’t mean they can’t handle real life.. Go back to trolling reddit.

If you think I don’t understand where the majority of the population lives, then you are crazy. However; I’m not going to pick up and leave where I live for Pokemon. My problem may not be a majority problem but that doesn’t make it a HUGE flaw in the game. Because of the densely populated areas, they do not need dense

“sorry you have trouble playing but you know, most of us DO pick where we live except for those not old enough to leave home”

There is so much fucking middle-to-upper-class privilege in this statement its kind of amazing.

If you live somewhere like New York that is feasible. I live in a rural town that has 4 pokestops all at the park. I walked 6 miles in 4 hours around the track. Ollecrong balls at the stops and going around the loops of the park. ZERO Pokémon spawn at the park. No one lures non stop and everyone runs out of pokeballs.

What’s close to zero mean to you? The number of incidents vs the number of phones in use makes it less then 0.00001%.

This is the comment of someone who doesn’t understand engineering at all. You always make these trade offs with literally every single thing you ever do or make. You could drive to the store in a tank in full body armor to be maximally safe, you do not, even if it were legal. It is too expensive to be practical.

I think the devices are reasonably safe. To blame the phone when subject to unintended impact is wrong. Look at simple tools - carrying a screw driver/scissors/tool in your pocket or hand and you fall on it - you can get impaled. Should the tool be designed safer? I have a cordless drill, if I drop it and the battery

I think it’s more a matter of knowing the limitations of technology. Let’s say 1,000 people have had this happen out of 1 billion iPhones. And let’s say this will happen to some users no matter what, but you can control the percentages.

Drug and Food companies are FDA regulated

Definitely avoidable. as someone who enjoys riding both road and trail, I would never ever carry my phone in any pocket of my shorts. Given for my road bike there are no pockets. He basically fell on his phone and shorted out the battery. I have a small pack behind the seat to carry all this stuff. A location out of

Well, once you deal in the millions of devices in the wild.. That’s pretty much all you can hope for. 100% perfection isn’t even possible in really important industries like spaceflight and aviation where most parts are hand inspected and documented multiple times.. So hitting it in a consumer product that’s mass

Yeah, I may have glossed that over some in my post ... Trusted manufactures make devices that aren’t likely to explode on you without external trauma. Cheaply made devices, on the other hand....

Honestly this one can probably be filed under “nearly unavoidable.” We’ve normalized carrying potentially explosive devices everywhere we go (mostly because of public ignorance of the energy density of these things and what that means when it all goes wrong). And market pressures have driven sizes below any point

Heh, pretty lousy for a developer to complain that we’re cheating when they can’t even outline how the various systems in their own fucking game work to the player.

Egg hatching, distance traveled, the damn three footprints glitch effectively making finding any creatures a guessing game...

Yeah, think I’ll keep

I went to one of these shows last year. The show was supposed to start at 8. We didn’t see a single dude until nearly 10:30. I’m pretty sure this was intentional, because it meant the crazy drunk women in the audience had nothing to do for hours except drink.. And drink. And drink more. By the time the show finally

Soooooo many bad devices. I have seen them with those crappy third party displays. Almost always if a customer bought a phone before the new one came out and they replaced it with Asurion they would instantly get an out of warranty phone. Not to mention most people don’t realize you only get to use that twice for that

We used to play Smash Brothers in our college dorm, and none of us had any grounding in Pokémon so we just made up names for the things that hatched out of the pokeball item. Some said their names intelligibly like Snorlax and Bulbasaur (sp?). Some... Not so much. To me, this Pokémon will forever be known as Floppy

Patent Examiner/ former Patent Attorney here: One day back at the firm, my managing partner called me into his office to let him know that someone had called him about filing a patent. This person had (sigh) been on a “vision quest” with a shaman, and taken hallucinogens which (sigh) caused him to travel forward in