On behalf of all white people, I’m sorry.

150 ft isn’t that far. The acoustics on my street are such that I can here the anthem at 8 am and taps at 10 pm playing from the air/naval base 2+ miles away and I regularly hear entire conversations taking place down the street. If I called the cops every time I could hear someone talking loudly more than 150 ft

THIS. I live on a dead-end street with an apartment complex at the end. A couple of the residents of that complex ride dirt bikes down the street at an aggressive speed which is ridiculously loud. But I’m not going to call the cops on them. Other residents (and their friends) of the complex drive down the street at

Yes. If you qualify for aid, your federal loans are generally serviced by nicer organizations, from what I’ve seen. Sallie Mae does private loans though, so they may be servicers for federal loans once in repayment, but if you get a private loan with them, you’re stuck. My federal student loans (the ones I qualified

Really??? Usually, the Midwest aligns more closely with the East Coast, but in Indiana, it’s definitely just “secret until the last gift is given” (I’ve done both single gift Secret Santas and multiple gift - like a small gift each day for a week). Half the fun is trying to guess who has you and then finding out if

I don’t doubt that. Human beings are very good at ignoring the obvious if the alternative is painful to consider in any way.

I remember growing up and reading about Nazi concentration camps and wondering how something like that could happen. Then, in German class, I learned how most of the German people were either unaware of the atrocities or dismissed reports of the horrors as “rumors”. I still didn’t understand how so many people were

What GreyRock said. You can create your own “categories” this way. I found that Apple categorized a scrabble word finder website I use for AI games in WWF with games and some of my games weren’t accurately categorized as such. So I deleted my limits for the categories and manually created limits for individual apps

Grew up a Chreaster Catholic, and the priest at our local church during my formative years was a young-ish (40s-50s) widower whose homily was notoriously short. Mass was 45 minutes start-to-finish, especially on game days. At the end of the late Sunday morning mass during football season, he’d warn parishioners to

Triggerfish <- Fun fact. That’s what “triggerish” autocorrects to. I tried to type in the word that was sent and that auto-corrected to “Nigeria”. Although, when I just typed it again to confirm whether it was “Nigeria” or “Nigerian” Siri just let me go ahead with the n-word variation.

Well that explains why I clicked on this with the strange feeling I recognized this guy. The Indy Rafael Sanchez would be out there uncovering this kind of BS, not causing it 😭

I was thinking the same thing. A DRIVER for after school?! Also, if the kids aren’t paying for their own Netflix/Hulu/etc. then there shouldn’t be any extra expense beyond what mom and dad were already paying anyway. Heck. I’m 27, and my dad and I split the Prime bill and my family uses my Hulu account to entertain

As a white woman, I have only called the cops once in my life, and it was because I saw someone breaking into cars in my old apartment complex. The same complex where the smell of weed regularly wafted through the air accompanied by the discordant sounds of domestic disputes and children laughing. If I were half as

This. Obviously, shaken baby syndrome is definitely not okay, but I can see how a tired parent might snap in a sleep-deprived haze and shake their baby out of frustration. Again, still not okay, but at least somewhat fathomable. The damage inflicted here though? That’s some psychopath bs. If my niece came home from

So much this. Additionally, as an overweight woman, I will be the first to tell a dude that it’s okay to say big girls aren’t their thing because 1) I need to know up front that you recognize I’m awesome at any size and won’t make me feel like crap every time I eat something delicious and 2) I will be the first to say

Generally, I’m not first in line to defend reckless cops, but I think some important facts are being skipped over in the other comments.

IIRC we weren’t required to recite the pledge in high school, but we were still expected to stand. I think it was less about showing respect or anything like that than it was that if you’re seated in a room full of standing kids, it’s harder for the teacher to keep an eye on what you’re doing? I could be wrong though.

I actually had a huge scratch down the side of my 4S from a poorly designed case when I took it in for warranty and my replacement looked brand new. I didn’t even realize it was refurbished until I worked in a call center doing warranty claims, at which point I also realized most other warranties wouldn’t have covered

Believe me when I say the average American refuses to accept those arguments. I have tried to calm many a customer down with those words and nine times out of ten, they want to speak with a manager or cancel their service because they didn’t read the fine print when they made their purchase and now they don’t like

Former carrier warranty rep here. I second despising Asurion. We handled warranties on replacement devices from them and they are useless. We could never get a live person on the phone and their automated system is the worst. And that isn't even getting into the number of bad devices they send out...

I worked in the warranty dept for a cell phone carrier and Apple has waaaayyyyy more stringent requirements than any other cell phone manufacturer. I had both of my previous iPhones replaced under warranty (one for a known 30-pin connector port issue and the other for a bad battery). In both cases, the device