On behalf of all white people, I’m sorry.

My roommate plopped down on the coach less than two feet away from me a couple months ago and began clipping her toenails. I about lost my shit. I’m less weird about feet than I used to be (I think my hatred stems from my dad’s side of them family all having NASTY feet), but it seriously took everything I had to not

And if she is seeing a stylist and a salon for the tan, how far out did she have to drive to find someone who wouldn't know she was parading as a black woman/would keep their mouth shut?

My first thought when I saw this was “How the hell is that even possible?!” I can't even get a spiral without the weight of my hair reducing it to waves in a month, much less that kind of texture...

I’m quite disappointed that no one has mentioned meeting John Mellencamp. Here in his home state of Indiana, it seems that everyone knows at least one person who has met him in some capacity or another and confirmed that he is a giant asshole. Just awful.

I’m awake therefore I horn.

I explained below, but I do think it’s both. Just a different brand of mental illness than I had initially assumed.

Of course you're right. I had just assumed that she was of the variety of crazy that had delusions of grandeur and thought she had fabricated this well-educated persona as a result of mental illness, so I was surprised to learn that I was able to find evidence that she was telling the truth. I have no doubt that there

As crazy as this woman sounds, I have found corroborating evidence for her life story, as told by her website and Facebook pages. She really did graduate high school with honors and was an IB student. She went to Spelman college and was in Glee Club there. I’m starting to wonder if she’s not really off her rocker at

I was talking to this kid in my show choir that never liked me, and because it was 2007, I repeated back something he said with an added “your mom” (i.e.: “That’s stupid.” “Your mom’s STUPID!!!!” lololol). It took about 2 seconds for me to remember his mom had died the summer before. I turned beet red and apologized

Already did and shared on social media. Living in Indiana, I've got a stake in this. I'm terrified for my female friends and family.

Trust me, there are a lot of us weathering the bullshit storm, but it's disheartening when the people in office are more concerned with power and maintaining the Republican status quo in this state than actually doing what the citizens want them to do. Their current objective is to effectively strip our Democrat state

So true.

Wow. Really? Because there aren't ANY American-born minorities...?

No worries. I knew what you meant. Just adding to the indignation with more facts about the ridiculousness of the prosecution's argument. And there are so many facts and so many reasons for indignation, I'm still trying to fathom how a jury could have even found her guilty. Only in Indiana...

I'm pretty sure that, in the end, they couldn't even prove that, which I take to mean that it didn't happen since it's not exactly easy to completely remove any trace evidence of purchases made via the internet. I watch enough Investigation Discovery to know how hard it is to cover your digital tracks.

But they seem hungry...and I have extra bread...

This is the second case in two years here in Indiana involving an unwed woman of color. Unfortunately, it probably won't be the last. At least this one is getting the national attention it deserves, so I can at least hope that Indiana will get its shit together and stop trying to drag us back into the Dark Ages with

Shailene Woodley uses beat juice as lipstick