
I've been yelling "bangarang"! for the past few days. And also if I even think "O Captain my Captain" I bust out in tears.

And I was actually agreeing with your first comment so I don't think I'm following you here. I suppose you need me to be more specific in a casual comment section when I "credit" "Obama" for saying he won't peruse legal action towards states legalizing marijuana. When I said Obama I meant "the government" in general.

I was paraphrasing there, this is how I understand it:

Yep. Unfortunately you're right and that's not one isolated incident either. Plus, this is with Obama in office telling Feds to leave states alone on this matter. What happens when he leaves office? Or (god forbid) in two years the US collectively loses their mind (again) and another Repub is elected prez? I shudder

No actually Nobodyforpres is kinda right. It's legal at state level but not federal and unfortunately the Feds are still busting people for legally growing in CO. I just moved here and I'm a woman who'd like to join the business however I've got kids and I can't risk going to jail because all the legalities aren't

Nah. She should definitely keep wearing baggy clothes just to fuck with the paps. That's what I would do.

Awesome info! Thank you for this. I knew I should have been a Biologist...

Well he's Ozzy so seeing as how he's basically a god he can do what he wants to and still be awesome.

Lol! A Halloween wedding would be fun however, I'm happily married too :) congrats on your sucessful non-Halloween wedding marriage!

This is what I wanted too! But hubby said no so instead we got married on the 21st. And yeah we wore boring old wedding clothes too.

I've done both and I think you're right!

Dude, owning your own business IS so very stressful. I feel ya! It's like a vacation to go to work for someone else compared to being the big boss. But honestly in my opinion it's prudent to expect growth to happen more after the 5 year mark. It does take a while to get established. But I know that stress, I know that

This may not help and it's just my 2cents but I was a small business owner and I come from a long line of business owners. The general rule of thought (as far as I've read) is that a business that survives it's first year is already waaaay ahead of the game bc the vast majority of business fail in the first 12 months.

I was just coming here to say this! I want to buy her make up but I will NEVER give my hard earned dollars to walmart!!!!!! WTF Drew Barrymore?!!

True. Plus it's just your word against theirs and like in my case the "reason" I was fired was their official story so they had an alibi.

Dude. This kinda happened to me when I was pregnant back in the 90's. (Yeah I'm an old.) Clinton had just signed the FMLA and lo and behold the very next week I was let go from my job. The official "reason" was that there had been an undercover shopper who gave me one bad report. But I know it was because I was 7

I want to shout this from a mountain top for all the world to hear!!

SEA WEEEEEEEEESssssss!! My sister and I played the shit out of those little cute mermaid dolls and their little babies and pets!

As a former three time pregnant lady I wholeheartedly concur. Do not add any more negative ideas or worries into a pregnant woman's mind. Just feed it all rainbows and kittens and unicorns. It's better that way.

Dear god. I don't care for his acting really except for Fight Club but shit he was good looking in Legends of the Fall.