
I am SO feeling this way RIGHT NOW. Disclaimer I would NEVER say it in front of or to my kids. My kids are 21, 16 and 6. My 21 year old just moved back in with her baby, we are all struggling so much. My sister who doesn't have kids is going to Hawaii again for a week with her hubs. It's really hard right now not to

Oh momma! Agree!

Holy crap I need an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice to be remade starting Ben as Mr. Darcy pronto! Not that there aren't enough adaptations of P&P already bc I know there are, I've seen them all BUT this one needs to happen. Now.

Can you please tell me more about how to make a safety plan? My daughter just fled her abuser. We just moved to another state before she left him and we flew her here. He doesn't know our address so far and she's cut off all communication with him as well as gotten rid of her cell phone. What else should we be doing.

Well thank goodness. He's the only one I really like anyway.

I saw Fleetwood Mac when I was 6 years old. My parents told me Stevie was a witch on stage and I sat mesmerized watching her twirl and spin. I fell asleep at some point during the concert but I will never forget that fascinating and haunting image.

I bow down to you all who stay. I just escaped last month. I couldn't handle it anymore.

Thanks! You rule too!

Thank you. I'm sorry you lost your dad.

Yes excellent coverage Jez and Gawker!

"This entire week has been foul as hell. Today doesn't seem to be an improvement."

This was my thought first thing this morning! It's been what? 5 days since Michael Brown was killed? Obama still hasn't visited Ferguson! When will Kanye weigh in?

I can't get you out of it because I'm right there with you.

Thanks. Grief is weird. He died 9 years ago but for some reason this one was hard. All the anniversaries and birthdays have been different. But I've been crying for 2 weeks this time. I'm tired of being strong. I just want him back now.

Ok 1. You are so right and I have a totally new found respect for social media. As Americans we are NOT safe from our government and a night like this shows us the fine line we walk.

And a senator was tear gassed I read. She was in the group of protestors.

I have never cried at the loss of a celebrity. Even ones I like. But this feels different. It's like I lost an Uncle or a surrogate father. I watched a lot of TV growing up and these people, Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Gene Wilder, the great comedians of our days, I learned so much from them. But especially Robin

I showed Hook for the first time to my 6 year old yesterday. His assessment? "Um, needs work. I give it 2 stars." WTF??? Clearly I am failing as a parent here.

I've been yelling "bangarang"! for the past few days. And also if I even think "O Captain my Captain" I bust out in tears.

And I was actually agreeing with your first comment so I don't think I'm following you here. I suppose you need me to be more specific in a casual comment section when I "credit" "Obama" for saying he won't peruse legal action towards states legalizing marijuana. When I said Obama I meant "the government" in general.