
Agree. My 16 year old and all his friends are funny and awesome and kind and smart. I'm not sure I did anything to parent him to be this way. The longer I parent the more I believe we are born who we ultimately become. Because his older sister (my 21 year old) not. so. much. And I parented them the same. I also think

Mr. Burton thank you so much for everything. I am a huge huge fan of Reading Rainbow and Star Trek! My son currently has the RR app on our iPad, it is a treasure. It's like having a library of excellent children's literature at your finger tips and as a bonus we get to watch the cool video field trips that you film!

yes thank you for this list. I was online last night trying to find out who to boycott. I always try to vote with my dollars!

Slayed. Lindy I laughed so hard I cried. Thank you for this. I admire your writing, informative AND hilarious!

Inquiring minds want to know...

Agree. The press goes on and on about B and Z's performances together and I'm no prude but I'm like yuck! I don't need a display of what's going on in your bedroom people! Surfbort! Urgh!

The whole thing just smacks of "thou dost protest too much" to me. Yes B, we know you guys are in love. But the very fact that they have to display it this way makes me think otherwise.

I was 11, my parents had just divorced, we moved to a new side of town and I was going to a new middle school. I was heartbroken by the divorce, my mom left my sister and I with my dad. And I was intimidated and scared at my new school. One day I saw some rust stained spots in my underwear. I had a little cramping and

Yeah her child is ONE year old. How in the world can anyone be a "strict mom" to a baby? Kim, get back to us when she's 12 and acts like she's 25.

Our staple smoothie is kale, Fuji apple and frozen blueberries. You can add and subtract as you like, replace blueberries with strawberries or peaches or pineapple. Also adding in pineapple and a spoonful of coconut cream makes it taste kinda piña colada-y. :)

Fish tacos! Easy and tasty! Get tortillas and heat however you like (steam or toast in hot pan), tilapia is usually used in fish tacos and it's inexpensive. Throw that in a pan with Mexican spices (cumin, garlic, olive oil, a little chili powder) and olive oil and bake on 425 until flesh is white and firm (10-15 min).

Yes! There is a place in Austin called Petticoat Fair. They do real fittings and their prices are great. I only buy from there. I still hate bras tho.

Agreed. Though lately I have just said "fuck 'em" and go out a lot without a bra. And I'm not small chested, and I've had three kids. But I can not stand even my most comfortable bras for too long. I always take them off and fling them across the room. Then I can't find them later when I need them.

That's funny that you get the side eye and asked if you're from the south! It's so delicious! Another commenter said she has it all over in PA. I also think there is an Asian version so it's from all over. I think it's fallen out of popularity bc of squeamish people and their ridiculous refusal to eat left over bits

I don't know that headcheese is Mexican, it was just always eaten on the Mexican side of my family. My mom's side is German and they never had it so I just associate it with the other side of my fam. It's a way to use up left over bits of meat I guess so I would imagine many different places did a similar thing.

Hey cool! Thanks! I'll check that out.

What the fuck?! Thank god we use butter. That diagram is the devils work right there.

Yes we ate lengua too (tounge). It's cool with me, I figure if you're going to eat the animal then you need to eat the whole thing. I try to make bone stock weekly and of course we eat liver often. Yum!

Yep, headcheese was a staple in our house growing up. I've looked for it recently to eat on Dia de los Muertos but I can't find it. I guess not many people eat it anymore.

Doesn't phase me. I'm Mexican. Every Sunday morning we had barbacoa for breakfast (cow face slowly cooked for a week, sometimes buried in the ground with hot coals) and then there is menudo (intestine soup). Like my dad always said, "It puts hair on your chest!"