
I hope SCOTUS sets this right. It's scary tho for them to be about to take this on, no? I'm worried.

Completely agree. Some things we just do not need to know people. Period. This may be the age of information, but there are boundaries.
And can I just say Laverne Cox handled that Couric question with perfect dignity and grace. I'm cis gendered and I had a hard time not getting upset at the line of questioning but Ms.

Yes I have heard different variations of that before. Thankfully I'm not poor anymore but mostly by second marriage to someone upper middle class. But I was very poor as a young adult. Struggling with an alcoholic high school sweetheart and our 2 children. Now I'm watching my daughter struggle with being a teen mom

Ugh. Me too. Or they say "why can't you pay your bills? Just pay them!" From where?! You can't squeeze blood out of a stone people! Rich and middle class people who have never been for real poor a day in their lives (my hubs is one) do not and can not understand being poor. They just can't. It's better if they admit

I'm not sure but I think this is in reference to the part where he says his therapists say he manifested his trauma as a spectrum disorder. I'm on the spectrum, as it's usually referred to, it means autism spectrum. The new DSM V classifies all levels of autism as being "on the spectrum". Many of us on the spectrum

I've read in different places that some believe that the way Buddhism is practiced in the West isn't a religion but maybe they mean what you're saying, its not deity-based. I like what you point out, people are asking "how can you leave your culture?" Becoming Buddhist hasn't effected my participation in my culture

True, I thought about this after I made my first comment. Buddhism isn't a religion in the strict sense of the word so I guess that kind of nulls my comparison. But I can still see how Jihad Jane can be attracted to a religion she didn't grow up in. I'm just sad it had to be so extreme for her.

I can understand it. I was raised Catholic and felt oppressed by it through my whole childhood. I questioned it all at a very early age in Catholic school. The whole thing felt so wrong. For many years and into adulthood I believed I was atheist but over time and coming across many quotes by H.H. Dalai Lama and Pema

Good call.
But anyway are we all certain that is Miley on the Love cover? Looks more like Justin Bieber to me.

It looks like some haggis strapped to his wrists.
Yep, definitely haggis in my professional opinion.

Yes! Thanks y'all! I can't tell what kind of cheese exactly, hubs says feta, I thought fresh mozzarella. I say lets try it both ways!
And capers, ohmuhgosh! I am making that as soon as I can get to a store.

Sorry this is off topic but I have to know, what is that delicious stuff in the pic with this article?! Does anyone know? Cheese, oil? Olives?! I need to eat that!!!

Local music stores here in Austin as well as local book stores. The music stores sell CDs but also some vinyl.

You're in luck bc I perused that etsy page and there are other ones that don't have religious connotations. Like the bacon wrapped fetus. Anything is better with bacon is my motto.

I've never seen Titanic or The Matrix and I've never had a Krispy Kreme donut.

Thank you for this! My sis and I don't wear make up bc we don't know how to apply it. I'm not a stupid person and I've watched plenty of YouTube videos however, I end up looking like I have a black eye everytime I try to wear eyeliner and eye shadow. Glad I'm not the only one!

Another "recovering catholic" here as well. And with the way my brain can instantly create major guilt for basically anything I do or don't do, I assume I'll be "recovering" for the rest of my life.

Lucky duck!!!!

Yeah! I'll say that next time.
He was going on about how lazy "those Mexicans" he works with are. UUUGGGHHHH!!!!!! Not cool man.
Sir! I am a Mexican!
I hate it when I tell people that's my heritage and they don't believe me. Like, why would I lie about that anyway?

This is where I was coming from when reading the article too. I loved the part where she said "children shouldn't be seeing this." I just cheered! What a thought from a 12 year old child. That recognition she has right there gives hope this kid can transcend her situation. Unfortunately some kids have to learn that