
75% of the time anyone looking for a laptop replacement in an iPad is going to be disappointed. My rule is to give any new piece of technology 2 weeks of use to see if it does what I expect it to do. If I find the it does not, I have no problem returning it. I have a luddite brother that said “All I want to do is

Everyone knows cold causes shrinkage. 

There are football/baseball teams that need catchers this good.

Sales from Dollar Tree and E-bay don’t make up half of America’s e-commerce market. And several of those examples don’t advertise what their selling as in-house products, whereas Amazon sells its Prime merch alongside listings from third-party vendors and the difference isn’t immediately obvious for a lot of consumers.

Self-driving vehicles work great in a place like Arizona where inclement weather isn’t a thing. Good luck implementing this in Canada in January.

They should be giving us both because we can't opt out of using them

100 degrees plus high humidity is brutal. You just move from one air-conditioned space to the next.

Walmart succeeded in rural America not because there was a need for Walmarts, but because of their deplorable business practices. Walmart would put up a store in some small rural city, undercut any local competitor’s prices until they’d driven them out of business, and then they would raise their prices. They’ve been

The correct move would be to put shoes on

Wow was this a missed opportunity. The voice of Kitt from Night Ridder, Jarvis from the Iron Man movies, The Voice from the computer on Star Trek, there are about a hundred iconic voices from Sci fi and pop culture and millions that would buy androids just for this feature alone. Because who wouldn’t want Optimus

You clicked though :)

Feel better about yourself now, Captain Hindsight?

In my experience, the water thing is key. Travel generally leaves me dehydrated, and most of my strange travel-related symptoms are resolved by catching up on water.

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is



We can! I just pan-cooked it in some butter until it got nice and browned and soft, the deglazed the pan with the corn beef jus and drizzled the pan stuff over the cabbage!

While everything in the infographic is true, and does have merit, I think publishing it as the gospel truth here on Vitals does people a disservice.

BTW, I do not understand people in grocery aisles with carts. I manage to park mine on the side when I’m grabbing something so others can get by. And if it was in the middle of the aisle, I’d keep an eye on it and move it if it was blocking someone. But 99% of the twats in my grocery store seem absolutely oblivious to

Excellent, well-reasoned reply Eric!

Yeah, that's not an easy spot to be in at all. If you really can't ask them to take it like everyone has mentioned, you might have to just hold on to the items. If you have any storage, though, you can put together a "family drama" box that's filled with those items. If someone is coming to visit, you take out the