
@JennaW: Somewhere Papa Bluth is pissed that he didn't come up with an exploding pony...And THAT'S why you NEVER leave your toys out!

@GeraldTheUnibrowBaby: Later, if she is successful, she could add a snail. On second thought, maybe just a decorative snail or a tiny gnome.

@LadyTudorRose: I don't care much about Madonna, but I love the guy with the tongue in the background.

@darkmstr: It just sounds so much better when said in Tim Gunn's voice!

@SarahHeartburn: I would love to see him steeple his fingers and say, "I'm concerned...." when negotiating with Congress.

I can't think of a worse companion than a baby. Lindsey should start with a Chia pet and move up from there.

@Ayarkay: Oooh, the prospect of that makes it worth it! Sorry mom

Hey Mike Tyson, I would like for you to go live in a hut in Burma too—Jinx, you owe me a Coke! (A Coke, not some coke, just so we're clear)

@cinnatron: Oh hellz yez it doez....see?'re right.

@Insouciance: Hearted for excessive awesomeness. Honestly, I don't think society is too far from this reality....

@emmagine: *whispers* I own it...shhhh....

@JosephFinn: Against my better judgment, I fell a little in love with the Efron that fateful Saturday night...It's my secret shame....

Everything's coming up Kurt! On another note, my lunch would be coming up if I rode that thing....

@lboogienator: I believe this exact photo lived in my 7th grade locker....swooooon

@MTmom: Ooohh...I like it!