I know I've already said it but—-seriously—-Puck's jazzy number and his vest/fedora combo will totally make several appearances in my fantasies later.
I know I've already said it but—-seriously—-Puck's jazzy number and his vest/fedora combo will totally make several appearances in my fantasies later.
I love Taye Diggs!! I wish my mother in law felt the same way, she doesn't understand why after having one child I wasn't on the first train to knocked-upsville. Cuz it's MY BODY lady!
@AndPreciousLittleofThat: You win the day for Dudewhatdoesminesay Sweet!
@BeetsGoOn: My grandpa's best friend's name was Dick Stains. He could have gone by Richard or Rick, but he proudly answered to Dick Stains. Guess he liked getting beat up.
@antsonlaptop: Me too. Maybe that LASIK wasn't worth the money.
@waytogeaux: *standing ovation*
I can't WAIT to be old! Right now my rants are just construed as bitchy. One day they'll perfectly acceptable conversation.
@amake616: I love your grandpa!
@amake616: I love your grandpa!
@amake616: I love your grandpa!
@cafaddict: MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!
@cafaddict: MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!
My takeaway is that BBQ's in "The Hills" are very different than BBQ's where I'm from....
Well...I guess it's good that her name is not Yolanda??
@LucyRed: I see where you're going and trust me...I'm there too.
If my track record for celebrity crushes holds true then, sorry ladies, James is gay. Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Neil Patrick Harris, Anderson Cooper, Jonathan Groff.....yep, it's all my fault!
@Snowbunny: I know, now my sexual fantasies are going to be more Sweets and Hodgens and less Booth.
@cinematheques: Maybe she was just distracted with lotioning and oiling, oiling and lotioning!!
@kthnx: My life needs more Mulaney!
I don't know what it's like to have a mother, as mine died when I was little, but I know that I can only handle my dad in about 2 hour intervals and spaced well apart. It's weird...I love him, but I don't really like him that much. I know that's mean, but if I didn't know him, he's someone I wouldn't really like. …