
So THAT's what happened to Baby Jane...

@TheMsroyale: As soon as I saw her that song was on repeat in my head where it will likely remain for the rest of the day.

@1girl: I would be one Surprised Chipmunk!

@ghostgirl10: Damn sissy kids. Why back in my day we ate Warheads and Sour Patch kids til our mouths fell off. And we were GRATEFUL! I walked 5 miles in the snow to buy one Warhead. Okay, maybe not, but that's what I'll tell my own sissy kid!

@girly: The old Jello Pudding Pops were SOOOO good. I want Flintstones Push Ups ice cream back too. Do you remember Cookies n Cream Twix? They were short-lived but oh so good.

@GiggleLoop: Gummi Bears were the shizz... "Gummi Bears, bouncing here and there and everywhere. High adventure that's beyond compare!"

I'd bring back my acid wash jeans that zipped at the ankle with a little denim bow and my ability to eat Warheads and Atomic Fireballs without raging heart burn and/or nausea. Teh oldz....I haz them...

@jigglyball: It kills me, she was that beautiful and poised when she was in School of Rock when she was like 9. Some people are born that way, some people are born awkward....I happen to be the latter.

Eeek, I thought Shaun White was Sheryl Crow before I clicked....

I can't imagine all the trouble I would have invited if I was even 1/2 as gorgeous as Miranda Cosgrove at that age. Good thing I looked like SJP circa Square Pegs—kept my virtue intact for many years!

@Apollonia: Oh the lyrical mastery of

OMG—thanks for #4. I remember when that video premiered after Blossom and I was in heaven. WHOA!

Ooooh, a hat made entirely of Bubble Tape. Yum!

@MissBuckyC: I hold you personally responsible for making me choke on my orange juice! That was gold!

After the words "motion picture actress", I heard Heidi's quote in Gloria Swanson's voice. Well, more like Kristen Wiig doing Gloria Swanson.

@wiccanhot: I may or may not still own the soundtrack covered in purple leopard print.....

@yessi: Awesome, that one took me a sec!

@zombiepanda: Oooh, where do I sign up to be an extra?

@CollegeCamel: Your mom has a crust. TEAM CAKE 4-EVA!

@sallysparrow: Trash talker! French silk is the ONLY pie that I can tolerate, and I could totally slather that with ice cream. Watch me!