
I want to know what was so mysterious about the "mystery child" that Chris Rock was holding. Was it transparent? Wearing a Nixon mask? Look like Criss Angel? What's the mystery?

@BetteD: That was my take-away as well. I agree Yoko!

Wow Britney Spears source, you say they "were fighting a lot AND they weren't getting along?" Holy redundancy Batman!

@Vivi21: If it is true, I say we round up a Jeze-posse and kick his ass. Who's in?

@sybann: Isn't some sort of brain required in order for it to be manipulated?

@ACTINGDRAMA: I first read that as "Natalie deserves to be spayed" and I agree.

Is he awesome? I just don't get it. The only sparkle (he he) that I got from him was when he was on Jimmy Fallon. Otherwise...ew.

I don't see anything weird about it. If I don't take my Lexapro within a few hours of being awake I get jittery. I don't care who knows I'm medicated anyway.

@evafortuna: You got a sash? All I got was a lousy pin.

@AnnieSaBu: I tried coloring chunks of my hair with Kool-Aid when I was 13. That's about the extent of my rebellion.

@Coldwine: I didn't get to finish my thought before my errant fingers hit share. It was in coach with a cranky three year old and a crankier flight crew. I hate breathing in old air and being cramped against strangers. Re: Hilton, I agree. No point whatsoever.

That tweet from Paris Hilton wouldn't have enraged me so much if I hadn't just flown from Orlando to Denver to Portland with a cranky 3 year old in the middle of the night. Now I need to hulk-smash something.

@Coldwine: I just flew from Orlando to Portland, Or

@lauralauramc: I so badly want JGL to rob me...of my underpants...

@Sev: I will definitely be using "Sobbing like Glenn Beck at a whiteboard store" in the very near future. I will, of course, give you full credit.

@lambsy: OMG I thought that background only existed at MY school. Take out the side pony tail and add a permed mullet and you got me circa 1991.

@ptarmigan: Oh, you mean me? Yep, 6th grade.