
@Kitten is an 80s rocker: I think it's a size thing. I just don't see the reason for whales to be THAT large. It's unnecessary. And terrifying.

@Tippi Hedren: Especially my own. I can't touch it, I can barely look at it. It's so freaking bizarre. My husband will stick his finger deep in his belly button to freak me out and it makes me turn green. I guess I'm afraid I'll touch an organ or something. Someone please organize a telethon for me!!!

@Kitten is an 80s rocker: Hearted. I swear I thought I was the only one on earth. I'm not afraid a whale will eat me, I'm just afraid it will TOUCH me or lurk behind me.

@scarletwine: Ahhhh, me too! It takes me like 5 tries to get on (up and down). It's much like Will Ferrell in Elf, only more pathetic and less funny.

Whales and belly buttons. Seriously.

Why, oh why can't I have the same problems as Johnny Depp?

I'd rather subject myself to the Chipmunks Squeakqual than this sequel...

@Tippi Hedren: Oh honey....I'm so sorry. My grandparents-in-law are Palin crazy, but they're old and cute, so I just kinda ignore it.

Please no more pics of the Pratt. I ate a lot of pizza at lunch and it's threatening to make a reappearance on my desk.

@Kitty Conner: I think you can get a ticket for tweeting and vending...

@the glamwich: Ok, so Poopstalker—The Tom X Story, starring Jamie Lee Curtis.

@the glamwich: Stay tuned for....Poopstalker—-The Tom X Story.

@likepenguins: O.M.G. Someone actually thought that would work?

@quatrevingtquatre: Let me just check your tag there, yep, just as I thought....made in Heaven.

Awwww..puppeh haz a sad. Olympics iz ovah.

So, if it whitens your complexion one shade every night and you use it for a month, what happens? Do you become see-through? Invisible? Iridescent? Inquiring minds over here! Also, toilet goods?

@AlmostDream: I believe this deserves the Seth and Amy REALLY!?! treatment...

@katyarizhaya: Or Stephen Fry as the Millionaire and Hugh Laurie as Lovey maybe?

@the glamwich: For several years I thought Gary Busey was Nick Nolte but with different teeth. Different, giant teeth...

@HungryMohican: With Danny Elfman doing a dark, gothic soundtrack! I smell OSCAR!