@eve804: Gil saved Axl! Go Gil!
@eve804: Gil saved Axl! Go Gil!
@Nell Gwynne: Hehehehehe, that was priceless! Do you want to have sex?
Pardon me, Ewan? I'm trained to ride in a side car. Think it over.
@LouisiAnna: Mmmm, yes, salted with the tears of the innocent!
Not that I care, but what "moral border" do Kate Major and Michael Lohan intend on crossing along the way? Animal rape? Light treason? I'm concerned.
@BlueMorpho: Or "Wheel of Bebehs."
@HurricaneEyes: Must have been the Haunted Mansion. I bet Eddie Murphy was there.
@BetteD: Wait...were we friends in high school? My friend I and used to watch it too, that and 10 Things I Hate About You rounded out the evening. Stewart was even gold in The Faculty.
@burningdinner: Have you (or anyone else besides me) seen "Playing By Heart"? It's my all time favorite movie and Jon is adorable in it.
@hfree: All she had to do was go to Jubitz Truck Stop and she'd find a nice selection, plus get a plate of biscuits and gravy, take a shower and buy some cigarettes. WIN!
@KatyLou: It's a good diet plan though. I was in the middle of eating a chicken wrap and now I'm no longer hungry.
@Ptarmigan: That would make me so excited! So excited! And so scared!
@Sukie in the Graveyard: And Love Actually has a fabulous soundtrack!
@rachel elizabeth: Aren't we the optimist!
@Stagtasticfantastic: I worked at Borders all through college and Tuesday mornings were when we'd get the newest ones in. I always requested to work so I could have a good laugh. The best day was when we got the Harlequin NASCAR series. No, I'm not kidding. I think the titles were Racing Hearts and Checkered…
@JaneGalaxy: Mmmm, I can see it now..."Reginald's turgid disco stick"...or perhaps "tumescent disco stick."
Way to keep things klassy Khloe....
@georgina: That's like my husband's lame ass apologies "I'm sorry you got so mad about that" puhleez
How is it possible to look that beautiful at 14? Even if I had a team of stylists working around the clock on me when I was 14, I'd still look like a awkward doof. Although, I still think I rocked the curled bangs (so tight that you could almost see the "Conair" letters across them) and the Dr. Pepper lip gloss. I…
All that duck face and no Snooki? What's the deal?