
@eve804: Gil saved Axl! Go Gil!

@Nell Gwynne: Hehehehehe, that was priceless! Do you want to have sex?

Pardon me, Ewan? I'm trained to ride in a side car. Think it over.

@LouisiAnna: Mmmm, yes, salted with the tears of the innocent!

Not that I care, but what "moral border" do Kate Major and Michael Lohan intend on crossing along the way? Animal rape? Light treason? I'm concerned.

@HurricaneEyes: Must have been the Haunted Mansion. I bet Eddie Murphy was there.

@BetteD: Wait...were we friends in high school? My friend I and used to watch it too, that and 10 Things I Hate About You rounded out the evening. Stewart was even gold in The Faculty.

@burningdinner: Have you (or anyone else besides me) seen "Playing By Heart"? It's my all time favorite movie and Jon is adorable in it.

@hfree: All she had to do was go to Jubitz Truck Stop and she'd find a nice selection, plus get a plate of biscuits and gravy, take a shower and buy some cigarettes. WIN!

@KatyLou: It's a good diet plan though. I was in the middle of eating a chicken wrap and now I'm no longer hungry.

@Ptarmigan: That would make me so excited! So excited! And so scared!

@Stagtasticfantastic: I worked at Borders all through college and Tuesday mornings were when we'd get the newest ones in. I always requested to work so I could have a good laugh. The best day was when we got the Harlequin NASCAR series. No, I'm not kidding. I think the titles were Racing Hearts and Checkered

@JaneGalaxy: Mmmm, I can see it now..."Reginald's turgid disco stick"...or perhaps "tumescent disco stick."

Way to keep things klassy Khloe....

@georgina: That's like my husband's lame ass apologies "I'm sorry you got so mad about that" puhleez

How is it possible to look that beautiful at 14? Even if I had a team of stylists working around the clock on me when I was 14, I'd still look like a awkward doof. Although, I still think I rocked the curled bangs (so tight that you could almost see the "Conair" letters across them) and the Dr. Pepper lip gloss. I

All that duck face and no Snooki? What's the deal?