@Kessica: Is that like 60% of the time, it works every time?
@Kessica: Is that like 60% of the time, it works every time?
His sad-panda face in the picture cracks me up.
@Blackagar Boltagon: Oh...oh my...I had no idea!
That's a sweet purse Nick has.
@morninggloria: I'm picturing her talking about important issues and he's staring transfixed at her youthful forehead like a cat staring at a bird.
I loved those covers. I just KNEW that I was going to look just like Elizabeth or Jessica when I was a teenager and was going to drive a sporty Spyder or whatever they drove. Turns out looking like a nerd and driving a 79 Mercury Lynx wasn't so bad after all.
@agirlnamedstewart: She always seems so poised and ready to absorb any situation.
I was heartily enjoying these tweets until the last one. Now I feel that icky feeling like when I eat too many sour patch kids. Wisdom and Glenn Beck together make the bile rise....
@Artemisia999: What I got out of the song was fathers should treat their daughters right so that John Mayer can impregnate them at a later date. I don't know, I could be way off.
@LizzieBennet-Darcy: Lauren Graham would be awesome. Let's make it happen. She's my pretend BFF. We have such fun in my head!
@GiggleLoop: If they cast someone mildly overweight to play Lulu, I'll scream. Yes, a size 12 is ginormous by Hollywood standards, but she's portrayed in the book as very large, she'd better be large and in charge! I hear ya about quitting after the first few. They were adorable, but then got really formulaic.
@westvillagegirl (exiled in chicago): That's who I always pictured. I pictured Benjamin Bratt as Joe for some reason.
@girlarchaeologist: I know, I'm pissed! I'm a little embarrassed that I love those books....but I totally do! Who would you cast as Joe and Ranger?
@IBleedGlitter: The High Priestess of Tinsel: Finally, someone else who gets that joke. It's the perfect tension breaker and no one gets it!
@miss.helen.sears: That was my favorite commercial by far. It was simple and endearing. Plus I didn't have to see anyone pantsless or tackled.
@G.O.B.stopper: I KNEW it! It was way menacing....
@Lana Leigh loves Meryl Streep: I was enraged by the tiny handheld TV one where the announcer makes fun of the guy for shopping with his girlfriend. Raaaaaaaaar
@BlondeGoddess: She could just hire someone to cackle for her. She could poke them with her scepter when it's time to cackle. At least, that's what I'd do.
@Thinking Allowed: I'm rooting for funny commercials and many, many finger foods.
@quesavoysavoy, grey ghost extraordinaire: DarbyShaw can remember the name of everyone in her kindergarten and 1st grade class, but can't remember where she parked, her grocery list or when Easter is.