
@GlinCastleGirl: my hubby doesn't understand the concept either. If he's staring off into space and I ask him what's on his mind he'll say nothing. If you ask me, I can tell you exactly what I was thinking at that moment, which provides endless entertainment for hubby. My answers have included: cake, webbed feet

@clairedeloony: Hells therapist repeatedly made me try meditation and all it would do is a.) make me go over my grocery list for later that day or b.) make me fall into peals of laughter because all I could hear was George Costanza screaming "SERENITY NOW!"

Rachel Maddow is the freakin' bomb. (wow, that looks terrible in print, sounds better in the head) I want to go drink and snark with her!

Ranch? Like Doritos? I didn't know vermin came in ranch flavor. Also, how can they expect me to wait 10 DAYS for delivery?

The last part of Kara's quote makes no sense to me. Though, to be fair, most of what she says makes no sense to me.

@badly drawn girl: Thank goodness Surely Funke raised awareness for this dangerous disease! Arrested Development is (was) a true public service.

@WizardDentist: I can't believe Simon Rex gave your computer an STD!

@ardentlilac: Word! I wish my hubby understood that a mercy fuck should be SHORT.

Simon Rex is still around? He'll always be trapped in summer of 1996 in my head. The summer of Loveline, Singled Out, MTV Beach Party & Road Rules....

@Santos L Halper: I guess I'll have to watch more Grady Wilson "Put the Fire Back in Your Marriage Techniques". I still haven't mastered the "Flight of the Bumblebee" and the "Yeah, that's Good."

@the_poptart: The juiceboxes really brought down the house for me!

I wonder if they are skating to "Lady Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas.

@madeofawesome: Humiliating confession: the first 20 or so times I heard that song I thought it was "shake it like a corduroy t-shirt." I didn't know there were t-shirts made of corduroy, or why one would shake it. I am terrible at song lyrics and years later I'm still harrassed about that one. I'm a dweeb. Carry

"Ok, nothing by water and ex-lax til prom."

@intime: You shameless hussy!!!

@hortense: Whatever, I'm getting cheese fries. And then more cheese fries....For the baby....