
@tervalicious: And Mariah Carey will be the high priestess of that age.

@arianamb1: I was feeling that way too...until Kitten Mittons entered my life. Now I have hope for next season.

@madeofawesome: My husband calls me Thesaurus Rex. I take it as a compliment, even though he doesn't always mean it that way. :)

@burningdinner: While all the girls were drooling over Josh Hartnett or Seann William Scott, it was always Paolo for me!! Too bad I live in a small West Coast town where adorable Jewish boys are non-existent. Sigh....

@Treeless: Word. I saw it on TV the other day and knowing that it was a mere 4 years ago was disturbing. Especially since 4 years ago I was already well ensconced into adulthood....

@so5minutesago: Your comment is classic. If it had columns, they would date all the way back to 1972!

@Ginmar Rienne: My in-laws. I think they single-handedly keep every craptacular sitcom alive.

Merry Christmas Jezzies! I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Also, in my happy place, Tai is forever doodling Marvin the Martian on Travis Birkenstock's skateboard.

@calwilson37001: So the SNL song "Christmastime for the Jews" is real?! Awesome!

@queenofcarrotflowers: A McPoyle reunion and complimentary kitten mittons for ALL! I'd be there.

Is that...Cogsworth on her shawl?

@chersolly: My husband's family is the same way. When I was little my mom would wrap the "Santa" gifts in completely different paper and bows than the regular gifts. Then, sadly, she died when I was 8 Santa and the tooth fairy died too. Anyway, now I keep the "Santa" gifts unwrapped and the other gifts wrapped

@LAmonkeygirl: That just made me snort and made my coworker glare at me. Niiiice!

@librariesare4lovers: Dark green corduroy Union Bay WITH the matching jacket over here!! I had to restrict myself to only wearing them once a week.

@MIXED: Ah yeah! I'd put them across my head in rainbow color order and then do a messy bun. Stylin!