
At least actual freak shows didn’t pretend they were doing anything other than making money off people’s craziness and misery.

My problem with veggie burgers is that the best tasting ones are the ones that don’t try to be like meat. But sometimes they fall apart because they are made with grains and actual vegetables. So be careful how you grill them.

Counterpoint: they’re delicious and I wish I could eat them all the time

Technically correct... It’s a Futurama reference.

No, this quote was invented by Republicans, right? So the having no heart thing is meant sarcastically. Liberals will tell young Republicans that they have no heart, that they’re not idealistic or compassionate enough. Young Republicans think of themselves as being more mature than that.

I adore that people tried to help you out here.

Besides, of COURSE I would want cheese on my cheese.

Bless this comment.

...have you ever been to a McDonald’s before?

It depends on what you define a cappuccino as. If you mean the actual definition and what you get at a coffee shop then no, there’s no such thing as an iced cappuccino. It’s impossible to create cold milk foam. If you mean something flavored kind of like a cappuccino but not made in front of you then yes, there can

I’m guessing you aren’t from the South, so my answer may not make sense- but Krystal’s and Waffle House are only to be eaten when you are so blindingly drunk that you don’t realize you are eating the worst food ever, and will be fully convinced in your drunken state that it is actually the best food ever. Waffle House

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How else are you supposed to unhook a bra?

Myfitnesspal is the only thing in years that has actually helped me lose weight. I tried regular calorie-counting, Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach, you name it. But I do occasionally find that I have to take a “day off” from it every now and then so that I don’t get too obsessive. I like that it yells at me if I

This is exactly correct. The second best kind of correct.

Eh, there’s a difference there. I mean, Whopper is a specific trademarked menu item at a competitor. “Large” is a common adjective. I mean, if you’re being a dick and making a show about avoiding their bullshit terminology (my bias is showing, isn’t it?), then, well, yeah. You’re being a dick. (Albeit, a totally

Thanks for that. When I read that the lady wanted a dry cappuccino my first though was wait what? followed by like a martini? Though from the story I guess she could have wanted some ground espresso and powdered milk.

In defense of the fork lady, I am accustomed to getting forks at every store I go to. Starbucks, Target, Giant, Victoria’s Secret... It doesn’t matter. If I go into a store, I better be getting a fork!

I actually would never make an argument that the Amish are a cult because Amish people encourage their children to go out and experience the secular world and all of its temptations during "Rumspringa."

I don't want to sound heartless, but miscarriages are common at Mama Duggar's age. Women just aren't really meant to have children that late in life or that many children. I feel for the family, but maybe they should think about stop trying to get pregnant.