“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.
“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.
Donald Trump thanks you for your support. Enjoy your privilege!
Would you be mocking a female celebrity who prefers female masseuses?
Some days I’m deeply conflicted about how I feel about capital punishment. Other days not so much.
At least they didn't kill anyone? I don't know, that's all I got.
Alright I’ve seen enough of this article that I don’t want to click through, but I HAVE to ask: Did this man at any point refer to what he was doing as “babysitting?”
he simply wants to thank his wife for being a good mother
This article is so idiotic. You even point out yourself that the statistics from prior to the implementation of the spaces indicate that the risk was exaggerated. The spaces weren’t necessary.
That's why they need an iron penis that shoots bullet cum. Don't try to take that away from them; they'll have nothing left.
The best I can recall, Rusty had an issue with feminine rights. He was opposed to women having a say in anything.
Wow. Holy shit. This is so goosebumps-enducing and so beautiful. I’m a huge fan so maybe i’m biased, this is so great and stays so true to Lana’s vision. Cannot wait fot this album
and Beyoncé, who would ideally be impervious to this corporate deception
What's with that indifferent headline? Mulan is fucking awesome. I will watch the shit out of this.
In the privileged West, there are so many women that throw feminism under the bus and who vote for Conservatives who work to restrict women's rights. It is eye-opening to read about women like Bahayi, who takes great personal risks to do something we take for granted. Bravo to her.
My sex-paladin casts "Taunt of Slut" at the Archconservative for 10 damage.
Taunt of Slut is my next band name.