
Lady here, and maybe we should date! (although to be fair, my spouse probably wouldn’t love the idea). Afternoon all the way. 3-5pm is known as my “prime time”.

fair enough!

My friend had to wait a YEAR for her divorce. A year!

haha... sort of like reading a blog that pretty much re-tells other people’s news stories? ;) I look at it as curation of funny instagrams.

This better be scooped...

I also hate the “hand off” origin aspect of the walk down the aisle and being “given away”, but damn it if I didn’t love having it as a part of my ceremony. It felt like something nice for my father and I to share. A lot of people will surely disagree but I feel like it’s one of those things that has surpassed it’s

I recently heard someone tell a story about a bride who “iced” her fiance. As in, she had a Smirnoff Ice hidden UP HER DRESS which the groom found when going for the garter and then had to drink.

omg I wish I had known about this before my wedding, and I TOTALLY would have done it. I love it.

That’s EXACTLY what we did. My wedding was also at night. The ceremony didn’t even start until 7:30. I didn’t include kids on the invites, but told most people they were welcome to bring their kids, but it was clearly not very kid friendly just by virtue of how late it was. My friend ended up having to bring her baby,

I was actually thrilled that my fiance didn’t care about the little details. I didn’t have to bring him to meetings he wasn’t interested in, or ask his opinion about things like colors and flowers, which I cared about very much, and he did not care about at all. He only cared about the food and the music. It was

What always gets me is the number of “paleo desserts” you see on pinterest or something. Isn’t that kind of.. not the point?

My best advice to you as someone who got married pretty recently: Don’t listen to BS opinions. It’s your wedding! You’re allowed to do whatever you want. 4 people in your bridal party, 18 people, 25 people, do whatever makes you and your future spouse happy!

I think with this particular theme, people were being overly cautious as to not come off offensive or be accused of appropriation. That’s all I can imagine.

Diana Agron’s dress has a really beautiful print of some sort along the side that’s covered up by Tori Burch, so without that showing it does seem a little boring. But it’s really very pretty.

I’m actually quite impressed with the singer’s ability to dance and sing at the same time, without sounding like he was totally out of breath. That’s not easy! Good for him!

My father invented toaster strudels, so...

I usually try to overestimate on purpose. I figure it evens out eventually. On days that I do something like, oh, I dont know, binge drink, I usually leave it out so as not to completely horrify myself. Oh the joys of calorie counting!

I am OBSESSED with this movie. Obsessed. All of the performances are amazing, even if the general plot mayyyyy be a teeny tiny bit cheesy.

Some people have an ingrained hatred for Greek Life. I get it, it has a very bad rap, and often that is well deserved. But, but, but! There are lots of people who are trying to make changes. I was part of my school’s Inter-Greek Council and we, with the help of some really fantastic faculty advisors, implemented so

Living around the block from this store, I can tell you, no one from “mainstream white America” saw this protest (in person). Definitely some European tourists though!