
I’ve been in that scenario—I hooked up with a guy friend while completely blacked out and didn’t remember it at all. He remembered and told me what happened in the morning. While by technical definition it could definitely be considered non-consensual, I just didn’t feel that way about the situation and moved on from

Finally, she does something relevant.

Yeah, there’s no need to ignore the racism in Pippi—depending on your child’s age it’s a very good way to discuss racism with them! But there’s no reason that the fact that a book that was written in the 1940s contains views common in the ‘40s should surprise people. If you don’t want to expose yourself or your kid to

Books and art often reflect the prevailing views of the time they were written in. It’s important to understand the context. It doesn’t mean the entirety of the content has to be thrown out because the author’s views on race reflected the time they lived in and not a more progressive, contemporary worldview.

Look, feminists. I love us. We’re a great bunch, for the most part. But Christ on a cracker, are we literal and judgmental when it comes to song lyrics. Everything is always taken to the nth degree, to the worst possible interpretation. Couldn’t this song just be about someone who’s taking a look back on her life and

I don’t think I KNEW before this moment that he was dating Camilla before, during, and after being married to Diana. I guess if I’d thought about it I’d have said he may have met her during his marriage and cheated. The idea that that relationship completely encompassed his whole dating and marriage of another woman

So one problem is the police misconduct. No matter the victim of the police misconduct...whether white or black or poor or privileged in some way...we are all better whenever police misconduct is brought out into the open. We focus so much, and understandably so, on the most egregious aspects of police misconduct

See this makes me wonder, was she ever trying to pass? Or did she just hang around Black people for long enough that people just started assuming she was Black and she never bothered to correct them?

We need a Lifetime movie to sort this hot-ass mess out. I suggest casting Emma Stone, she’s the only actress who could

Medically speaking, the fact that the premature infant (not technically a fetus) was alive for a few minutes after birth is unsurprising and shouldn’t make this more criminal than any other late term abortion. At 5.5 months, the heart is well-developed; the lungs, not so much. This delivery would only have been viable

The wife bonuses are bullshit. She overheard someone making a joke and then acted as though it was an established practice. This is precisely the circle I run in, and not once have I ever heard of something like this.

Yeah I think they started out on a bad note that gave the men too much power and they’re still running with it.

Theory: since some of them didn’t originally show up for Kaitlyn, their hearts aren’t truly in it.

It does seem as if some fairly crucial details were left out of this reporting.

I couldn’t help but wonder...was she even pregnant to begin with?

How dare you

Drat. Replying to myself out of embarrassment. Make that “the Times” and “The Nanny Diaries.” Should put an asterisk somewhere, or wait for the Post to shame me into it?

Reiterating my life motto: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Dirty corner? Fuck you too bud

The Grim Yelp Reviews are going to be aweSOME!