
As a young person with both Lupus and a senior dog, this made me really sad for you and hopeful that one day, someone will be with me the way you could be with your mom. Thank you.

I had a cat growing up that was my best friend. She lived to be 19 before she finally had to be put to sleep. I then had two kittens I adopted when I moved out on my own for the first time, they were like children to me. One lived to be only ten before she got cancer, and I fought tooth and nail for her, and I

But people do that with people!

My old next door neighbor just moved two elderly dachshunds to California from Oklahoma, because they have some (mild) health problems and her daughter’s husband insisted that she either euthanize them or dump them in a shelter to be terrified and confused for a few days or weeks and before being euthanized. I’ve

For those who are wondering about Charlie Bear’s health and/or comfort, the linked story mentions the bride and groom are both veterinarians. I think he had a good time.

Agree. My dog growing up had emphysema and would cough. Otherwise she was healthy but my brother was grossed out by her and always be saying to put her down. Like if you had a cough we wouldn’t put you down Jesus. The. She became blind and a little deaf but she was still getting around and into stuff. Once she didn’t

It’s been almkst a year since my Chilli dog, our golden retreiver, died. She was litterally the perfect dog. We got her as a puppy after I badgered my parents for years. She was so happy and good natured. I loved taking her to the barn with me and watching her roll in horse poo and mud. She let me drss her up, put

My heart’s broken :-(. And Quincy turns 4 tomorrow...

Let’s talk about our sweet pups who have passed!

we all do

I fucking hate this man.

I believe this was the day after 9/11. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was emotionally affected today.

You got an explanation. She’s a 68-year-old woman wearing a suit and body armor on a hot day during an incredibly emotional event. She got overheated. This is not strange, or worrying, or even unusual (multiple Bushes have vomited on foreign dignitaries, so...).

She could’ve avoided the whole thing by simply adding ‘some of them, I assume, are good people’ at the end of her original speech.

I’m sorry, but how in the fuck is this a rip-off? The chord progression couldn’t be more different, the tempo, the beats, the instrumental, and her voice in this song are completely unrelated to anything Madonna has ever done.

(I like it.)

Good night, sugar.


I believe she can take powers from almost anyone, but a few people are immune to her. A particularly tasteless moment from after Sentry died suggested that he had sex with her because he was one of the few people who was too powerful to be overwhelmed by her powers.