
Uh, where is Lloyd Dobbler from Say Anything? How can this list be legit without the absolute number 1 boyfriend of all time?

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I typically think girl Kpop groups Are not very good. They have poor choreography and are too girlie/twee. BUT, 2NEI’s “I’m the Best” is truly great. Legendary. Best KPop song, group, everything. LOVE!

Movie was so much fun. Awkwafina is a star!!! 

This is just nonsense. Other countries make great films, yes that is true. But better, is a matter of taste. Many American films are flat out masterpieces. Let’s not be stupid here.

Not only have I never tortured my Sims, I have turned off the death feature. In my Sims world, everyone has a mansion and the absolute best clothes. Who are you monsters???

Nope. Africa by Toto is a great little song.

No its sexism.

This story is such a “Hillary go away” sexist bullshit. If you felt this way, you would not write another story about her. Which this is. Click bait bullshit to rile up the radical left who will stay home AGAIN and hand another election to Trumpers.

Sellout hack Liz Phair doesn’t belong in the same sentence as Tori Amos, Le Tigre or PJ Harvey.

So centrists are bad people? Stop talking like the far right and making enemies of everyone who is not like you. Moderates, Centerists are not evil. Stop with this stupidity!

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Spike Jonze has a lot of dancing vidz. Bjork’s is by far the best one.

This is a stupid take, you should be ashamed. Stop hating on Clinton, she is not POTUS. Oh, and the Russians ARE still at it and POTUS has done nothing to stop it. So like, there is the fact she is RIGHT.

She needs to get out of her house now. They look hungry.

I am listening to Gypsy right now. Volume to 11 and crying at the amazingness.

This is bullshit, and you are just trolling. Nothing about Edge of Seventeen is offensive. It’s actually an intensely amazing song of incredible depth that you only looked at the title to say something stupid.

As a Jennifer who works in Corp America, I have many Jennifer customers. Conference calls are fun....

I don’t know what you mean. Winter only happens for like 2 days in February. As far I know it’s still summer. I can’t wait for Fall to come.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Maybe it was a fake Russian meme???

And that is because the Young’s were online reading and spreading Russian propaganda basically accusing HRC of every evil thing ever.