
Why are women of any race/color who are in entertainment expected to pose nude?? Why is this empowering? Why can’t women be ugly, fat and clothed and just as loved and appreciated for the work? Men NEVER pose nude or vulnerable to be edgy. They are not required to be fuckable and available. They just used naked women

I love PSL’s! And here in CA we don’t need cool weather to enjoy. I don’t think we have had a fall with below 80 degree weather in a long. Yesterday, I had mine over ice. Yummy! :-)

It’s not. The Clinton Foundation is legit. Your really grasping at False Equivalence.

It was most likely someone who put their country first! Trump is not just a national disgrace, he is a clear and present danger to the country. We need more heroes like the person willing to get the truth out about Trump’s complete failure and con of a businessman.

Oh God, that is just sad...

I strongly disagree. Clinton is the best chance even over Sanders to shift the country more left. If even half her ideas get passed, this means that major shifts will come in the next generation. It is winning the battles you can that makes the changes happen. Sanders would have killed many bills by making

Comments like these are sad. Michelle us not controversial and has never talked to policy. Basically this is a sexist argument to demean the credibility of the first female POTUS nominee as unlikable. It’s bullshit. HRC has a terrific platform and comes with a mountain of experience and preparedness. How this is

Yeah, cause Clinton being married to the best POTUS of the modern era and one of the smartest as well, has really helped her...

When really we are seeing that old hippies are sexist. Seriously, the far left has never been a huge proponent of women’s rights. They may love the environment and be anti-war, but the women still cook, clean and raise the babies on the commune....

And a secretary position or cabinet post and proof of years of dedicated service that the youth and GOP will wipe under the rug due to likability and her husband not born in America! Let’s not forget young women touting that they think a Black Woman will be POTUS just not this one. :-/

My mom was a fighter and she managed with Lupus much longer than her Dr’s imagined. Lupus has many forms and my mom just happen to get the worst of it. She lived many great and fun years after her diagnosis. I wish you all the best and send you my thoughts. Be strong. :-)

Or maybe, not having a clear, this is it, let them go moment like in the movies. When my mom passed, she hung on but slowly deteriorated in the hospital over 3 years. There was never a clear the “pull the plug” moment. Yes, I could feel the end was near, but there always seemed to be Hope. Unless you are in that

As a dog owner and as someone who watched her mother lose a very long battle with Lupus that had her last 3 years confined to hospice care, I can assure you this inability to let go is not confined to our pets. If you are ever in that extremely agonizing place where you hold on to hope for your loved ones while trying

:-/ I am not sure I want to see a fantasy movie made by a director who is not interested in fantasy. Add to that the fact I was not that impressed with Selma. Love diverse casting though and DuVarney seems cool. But I am not getting a good feeling based on this article.

Captain Danvers has changed a lot over the years. I believe she has her memories back and emotions. These are things she got on her own. A Captain Marvel fan can better answer these questions, I think Carole is very different today.

She was fully in control of her powers from X-Men Legacy to Uncanny Avengers when she absorbed like everyone including WonderMan to save the world against a celestial. She was unable to extricate WonderMan due to his ionic energy. So yeah she is back to being unstable but even more powerful. :-/

Okay you are full of great ideas!!! :-)

I would love a Telltale like game for Rogue & Gambit! That would be great! Someone needs to make the happen! :-)

That is just sad. Rogue is my favorite comic book hero and in the 90's pretty much one of the biggest heroes in the best selling comic and popular cartoon show. Now because of the terrible movies (which was nothing like the actual hero in the comics) folks don’t know who she is. I really recommend Gerry Duggan’s

Please. Jezebel have been staunchly anti-Clinton from as far back as 2008. You are NOT feminists. This site actively have tells feminists not to vote for the feminist candidate both times she has run for presidency. Jez have been entirely SEXIST in the handling of Clinton from the start. Holding Clinton to standards