Sam Bee and John Oliver have been killing it!
Sam Bee and John Oliver have been killing it!
Was all for Wilmore but his format never worked and his crew was hit or miss funny.
Actually it seemed like the whole time the media and conservatives try to tear her down because she did not fit into their idea of “womanhood”. Sad to see this isn't still happening today and here on Jezebel.
And? So??? Who are we to judge the Clintons and what happens in their bedroom?
Because sexism is still alive and well. Enjoy.
Nope. I always believed these allegations were and still are political in nature. Further, Hillz is the wife. Many of these women willing fucked her hubby. Note, not raped, had affairs with her husband. How she is somehow the villain in this is baffling.
You are wise. He was never hot. I never understood it. But I never understood NKOTB or Luke Perry.
Don’t get the Swift hate. Kim K is pretty terrible person. She is a fake celeb willing to exploit whatever for fame. This shows how low she stoops. These are terrible people and shitting on Taylor Swift doesn’t make the terrible come off Kim and Kanye.
Yeah Obama used the Iraq vote to paint Hillz as a Hawk. It was the ONLY thing that separated them. But Iraq is Dubya’s war. It was all Dubya and trying to pin it on HRC is really weak. I had issues with Obama going after her for this. He did not even vote. She was the JR senator from NEW YORK. Of course she was going…
Maybe, it could also be the ease of the right wing to push lies as truths and the Independent conspiracy theorists willingness to believe tumblr memes rather than research the record. Also that HRC barely lifted a finger to fight Sanders so as to save money for the general. Let's not forget the media bias in propping…
You are being ridiculous. Not one politician is perfect. You want HRC to be flawless. She has faults, but so do all politicians. HRC is best choice this election and she has a stellar record. You are using two points that have to be stretched to make a false claim to fit your narrative.
You seem to make fake connections to link your conspiracy theory About HRC. The Iraq war was Dubya not HRC. As I mentioned she voted to give POTUS authorization to use force. He abused that. That is on Dubya. You are laying the whole of Iraq at her feet and trying to connect the civilian deaths as her anti feminist…
You cannot be blue and be Conservitive or Republican. Liberals are liberals. Sanders did not create any policies to give Gays marriage and marriage is not the only issue for Gay equality. Hillz supported civil unions and Gay rights, but she was indeed late to Gay marriage. But Sanders had no problem letting Gay…
She was always pro gay rights but had to come around to gay marriage like Sanders, Obama etc. HRC has a strong environmental rating and the support of Natural Resouces Defence Council. She has a very reasonable green record and will focus on growing green jobs! Further she is NOT a hawk. When you mention Lybia or…
HRC is in no way a Republican. That is nonsense. She is a solid blue liberal dem. In fact she beat Sanders among liberal voters. Sanders has some not great left ideas too but he is solid blue. Their differences do not villainizing the other or negate their liberal cred, they are just different.
I personally love Cobain’s voice and find covers of Nirvana weak. His voice was raw and powerful. A more technical singer removes the depth and emotional authenticity.
I 100% disagree and maybe you are not a rock fan. Robert Plant, Pat Benetar, Ann Wilson, Linda Rondstat, Stevie Nicks, Paul Rogers, Brad Delp, Freddie Mercury, Lou Graham, Steve Perry are some of the greatest vocal talents ever. Rock is incredibly hard to sing.
No, you are just a radical trying to put folks in a box. A leftist fundamentalist. Hillz is a liberal.
She is absolutely progressive. You just have an ill informed idea of progressivism and Hillary Clinton.
None of this is true. When did crazy take ver the progressives? Let's not get silly here. HRC is a progressive and that is not even up for debate.