Well that would depend on if he listened to our demands. Hillz has a greater support base than him, he will want to move to the center to appease us. I mean why would he want to lose us and the presidency?
Well that would depend on if he listened to our demands. Hillz has a greater support base than him, he will want to move to the center to appease us. I mean why would he want to lose us and the presidency?
Oh no, no, no.... Why does she need to give Berns a freebie when he is out of cash? She has already won the nomination. There is no need for another debate. Berns is a very bad loser.
Monica Lewinski was in a consensual affair with Bill Clinton. It was NOT rape. She willingly got into a relationship with a married man of power. Both she and Bill are not honorable for cheating. But, as in the 90's, I will say this again, this shit has NOTHING to do with a person’s ability to do their job. It’s a…
Meanwhile Hillz has a concert in LA on June 6th with the following:
Oh Clover, this is NOT very feminist of you. Jez has zero credibility as a feminist site. Being Gossip with a feminist twist THIS is not. FAIL.
I never said he wasn’t a threat. I said he was ridiculous and sleazy and needs to be called out on it. That needs to be echoed over and over. Let’s be honest, sexism is at play with how easy it is to smear Clinton who is a credible and capable candidate as weak against a giant orange Nazi baboon. If Sanders is correct…
Yes, but hating Hillz is a right winger sexist pass time. Liberals should not fall for this and we should be in good shape. She already has more votes in the primary than anyone. Hopefully the general will be better.
This kind of fear and smear bullshit should not work. If we are truly liberals, we need to call out bullshit and paint Trump as ridiculous and sleazy. The fact he won the Repub Nom, shows what a fucked up circus America has become.
Not surprised. Sanders ran a campaign decrying rigged system and Equating that system to Hilkary. He basically has said that He was going against the mot powerful machine in Hillary Clinton. He has used some troubling coded language throughout his messaging. Sanders has done a lot of damage to the Dems and Clinton.
There is absolutely NOTHING feminist about harassing a woman due to an alledged affair or subtly trolling about it. FAIL.
If marijuana is your litmus test and the most important issue this election cycle, then I’d say you are enjoying a great life of privilege.
The truth is, Hillz is a damn good Democrat. No she is not a radical leftist (that’s a good thing). She would be a damn good POTUS. Not voting for her wreaks of idiocy not being principled.
Sanders and his campaign painted Hillz as a villain responsible for all the evil in the world. The Sanders supporters like Fox News viewers have no concept of reality.
That is because you are a low informed voter. You buy into tumblr and Twitter bullshit memes rather than actually reading about the candidates. Such armchair self-congratulatory LAZY outrage. HRC is a damn good liberal. A feminist history shattering Democrat for POTUS. If you fucking think she us evil or anything like…
I am from CA as well (Mexican-American) and Hillz will most likely win here. She won in 2008. She has invested in CA. She helps get Latinos elected and has a strong affiliation with Dolores Huerta. All my other Latino friends (many under 30) are very excited to vote for her.
So Sanders IS privileged, rich and powerful?? Good. Now you get it.
Interesting to note that his wife, Tonya Lewis Lee, tweeted her support for Hillz today. I love it that they are headstrong and independent in that house. 😀
Right... A feminist activist is weaker on women’s issues than a male ally who votes well. Give me a break. Hillz has championed bills for women and families. Actively campaigns on women’s issues. Put attention a women of the world as SoS. She has the support of NOW, NARAL, Planned Parenthood. She is THE feminist…
Uh what? HRC has a superior record of feminist activism. End of story.
See this is how you know someone is disengenuous. HRC is LEFT. She has been derided by the right as a lesbian feminist. To even suggest she is right is laughable.