
Stop with your Bernie worship. This does not excuse KM’s misuse of Elliot’s quote which was sexist. His statement basically says that Clinton only has her gender to offer as a candidate and that alone does not qualify her to be POTUS. He fucking invalidates her history, experience, activism etc. Reducing her to her

So you excuse sexism. Good to know. It was sexist. No need to defend it. Stop justifying it. He took Elliot’s quote and used it to basically say the only reason to votes Hillz is her uterus and that does not qualify her for POTUS. That is the statement. That is sexist. Just admit you don’t want to see the sexism for

No one did that. Albright was misquoted. Regardless, KM’s statement was sexist. His quote reduces HRC to her sex. Fuck that noise. I will call out sexism when I see. No excuses for sexism.

Nope. KM’s reference was sexist. He used the quote to reduce HRC to her sex and as having nothing else to offer. It was sexist.

It’s his record. He supported legislation backed by the Minutemen and against Brady. That's on him.

His use of the quote was to dismiss anything about Clinton except her uterus. That the only thing she has going for her candidacy is her sex. He basically invalidates her career, activism, education, etc and makes it only about her gender. Fuck that noise.

You know what, you can’t call yourself a feminist if you do not see how offensive this comment is or how tone deaf the response was. When KM recites Elliot’s quote, he reduces everything about Clinton to her uterus. Basically saying all her hard work, qualifications, activism, experience etc, and all she has to offer

Yes, you think a candidate who supported legislation backed by the Minutemen, who voted against Brady, who dumped nuke waste in poor Sierra Blanca, who voted against immigration reform, who voted against expanding working visas, is a better candidate for Latinos.

Well there you go. I trust Hillz before Sanders. She has done a lot for Hispanics and has strong support in CA where I am from. Further, she will get shit done that is actual progress. Sanders is all false promises that sound too Tea Party for me. I always question a campaign that runs more on knocking the other

Whelp that’s it. Hillz didn’t dump nuke waste on poor Hispanics so she is bad for us Latinos. Please justify how Sanders took his rich lily white nuke waste and dumped it on the poor folks in Sierra Blanca. Jesus fuck, Sanders supporters excuse his far worse treatment of Hispanics but you all think he is a saint. Go

You do realize Sanders voted against immigration reform, dumped his Vermont nuclear waste in poor Hispanic community of Sierra Blanca, TX and voted in support of the Minute Men. Hillz wanted to protect kids from human trafficking.

It’s better than Bernie Sanders dumping his nuke waste on this little girl’s family or voting against immigration reform... Oh that's right, Sanders is a Saint. If he supported the Minutemen, it was because economic equality. Nope....

Pounding down submission or working in black communities and working to get folks elected??? Gosh, what would have happened if she dumped her nuke waste in poor black community?? Oh wait that was Sanders and the poor Hispanics. But it is St. Bernie and you are a troll.

Okay NO. Sanders supported the Minutemen, NRA and dumped VT nuclear waste in poor Hispanic community of Sierra Blanca. Hills was the first FLOTUS to March in a Gay Pride parade. Bernie has shit on his record as well darling. Stop the hypocrisy.

Forget it. Not replying to BS.

Yep, a lot of young Sanders supporters get their info from Twitter/Tumblr memes. If a 1000 sock puppets retweet a lie, it must be true. They do not know Hillz history, voting record or anything really. It is unfortunate. Sanders Twitter campaign reminds me of how easily everyone was #Kony2012.

That would be great but Gawker/Jezebel has hardly been fair. Every story of Clinton has been how this old feminist is out of touch in post feminist world. Women are not unique, they have 100% rights and a male ally is just the same if not better to represent women’s issues than a decrepit old feminist. Especially

I’m sorry but a tabloid article by Gawker who has a hard on for Sanders only adds to the point that Sanders supporters are trying to discredit Clinton by any innuendo and non-story possible. Basically they are allowing sexism to help put together false accusation as the truth.

He has not taken legal action against the Nurses Union?

Um, he is benefitting from pac money: