
Warren took Goldman-Sachs money. Why is it okay for Warren but not Hillary? Because Warren is not running for POTUS so she can bet your unicorn Saint. Hillary proposed a 6-point plan that regulate banks to take on the sub-prime fiasco a year before the bubble burst. But she is running for POTUS so she is suspect.

What part of “Goldman-Sachs crony” is true?

But all the PAC money on Hills side has yet to be spent. They are stockpiling for the general to use against the GOP. Still does not diminish Sanders getting Pac money, Corp donations etc.

This is incredibly short sighted. Women and people of color have lived under the tyranny of white male oppression in the US. To invalidate a feeling of pride to see a woman or person of color triumph to the highest office after years of oppression is NOT superficial. Trying to erase that experience is very suspect and

Again, Sanders has benefitted more from superpacs in this election. He has big corporate donors and has hosted big money fundraisers. He has benefitted from the establishment he is now vilifying. Choosing to take Sanders at his word and not vetting him while disbelieving anything Hillz says shows some sort of bias.

I already discussed this. Bernie has more support from Pac money in this election than Clinton. He has big corporate donors as well. He has hosted big money fundraisers. He is railing against things he also benefits from. Thus, if HRC is villainized for things he is also complicit in how can we not consider sexism as

You want purity and perfection in women but give passes to Bernie. Bernie has had benefitted more in this election from superpacs than Clinton. He takes big Corp donations. He hosted big money fundraisers. He benefits from the Democratic establishment system he claims to be PURE from. He voted against immigration,

So women’s issues are not the important issues???

I think it is the messaging of the Sanders campaign that is sexist. The guaranteed way to defeat a woman is to sully her reputation. We are sophisticated so he cannot call her a whore. But he can say she is impure. Her Liberalism is “impure”. She is “bought and paid for.” C’mon, it does not take a genius to see many

Saying she is bought and paid for is fucking sexist. You can’t outright call her a slut but you can still call her tainted and that is sexist. Especially when there is fucking ZERO proof of her ever taking bribes. Your sexism is just clever but it is still sexism.

Ah Warren the unicorn perfect female candidate not running for POTUS. Yeah she is perfect cause she is NOT running.

Just cause you think Progressive means socialist does not mean all Dems do. Also, booing a fucking Progressive is NOT progressive. It just means we have extremists infiltrating the Democratic Party. You boo republicans who try to take away racial equality and reproductive rights. You do not boo Hillary Clinton. So

If Sanders was such a good Progressive then why would his supporters loudly boo and hate on Clinton? Why would any progressive be so disrespectful to other progressives? Further why would they all say they would rather support a non-progressive racist like Trump over Hillary? Let's be real. Sanders message is devious

Yes, we are 30-40. We are all really old. ;-)

See, here it is. Why Sanders supporters will never vote Clinton. It is not that they prefer Sanders but rather Clinton is evil. She is not really progressive. She is a lying WallStreet corporatist who is anti feminist.

Maybe because Sanders supporters loudly booed Hillary at Sanders speeches and the debates.

Sanders supporters are Independents not Dems. They will not vote if Hillz gets the nod. They actively hate her.

Honestly, how is anyone a republican who is a feminist?

Mexican American woman here and all my Latina friends are supporting Hillz. We are from CA. Hillz has big time support here and the endorsement of Delores Huerta.

Moderate liberal then. But this tied to WallStreet bullshit is code to attack her character as bought and paid or. This is why I can't with Sanders. It is this that is sexist. Fucked up sullied woman trap and so-called progressive women took the bait! Hillz is a pretty standard politician and a shrewd and clever one