
And this is the false fucking sentiment that shows how Sanders fans know nothing of liberalism. Clinton IS a liberal.

You know he actually does attack her character all the time and his supporters righteously hate Hillz. Sanders is actually doing far more damage to the liberal and Democratic cause than good. He is an opportunist and his supporters ARE sexist.

Even liberal economists say his plan will increase the deficit and debt. And do you mean Hills supported the welfare reform under Bill? She was First Lady then. But Bill did many things to balance the budget. He made massive cuts to military spending as well.You know he balanced the budget and gave us a surplus,

Hillary in a heartbeat. Sanders is going to raise taxes and triple the debt. Clinton has a real history of helping women including working women and single mothers succeed.

Well to be honest, the social issues are the more important for me. Getting an even playing field, the fight for equality, fighting climate change and fucking reproduction rights ARE the issues of our time. I do not want to be taxed higher and I sincerely feel that Sanders free college and single payer sound good but

I don’t see this. Clinton has a pretty progressive and socially liberal platform. She, like me may be more center left with the economy but super lib in social issues. I think most Americans are like that really.

Sadly, I think if Hillz does not win, our first woman president may be a Republican and most likely not a feminist. A feminist woman president may still Be too radical for America. :-/

She gets those endorsements though because she actually knows/works with/helps gets elected those folks. I mean if by establishment we mean she has been in politics, working with folks to get shit accomplished and building coalitions then fuckit, I want the establishment candidate. Cause she may actually get to work

Oh the “crown” because she will be Queen not POTUS. Yeah, no sexist connection their.

You know those are mostly opinion pieces by Clinton detractors. Fact is she has not endorsed anyone but she did sign a letter asking Clinton to run for president. Warren also tweeted her support in Clinton going after Wallstreet. And she has NOT endorsed Bernie Sanders. Most likely she will wait till the voters choose.

That is a complete stretch of the truth. Nowhere is an endorsement of Sanders implied. Warren has though complimented Clinton on her plan to take on Wallstreet and she was one of the senators that signed a letter urging Clinton to run. Truth is Warren most likely will not endorse anyone.

Your memory is not too terrible! ;-) I found what Faithful said about Ella:

Though I LOVE Ella, the quote was a famous one from Faithful and it was verbatim. :-)

Huh? Are you saying Aretha is not the Queen of Soul or that Marianne Faithful did not say she is the voice of God? Either way, you are wrong. Also, not up for debate. ;-)

Amen! Queen of Soul, Lady Soul, Ms. Aretha is perfection. As Marianne Faithful rightly said, “The voice of God, if you must know, is Aretha Franklin’s.” That is just truth!

Really? You know this as fact? I know quite a few working Hispanic women who support HRC. Anecdotal but then your claim was complete shit.

Ever notice that Jezebel post more topless women pics than a lad mag? Why not post nekkid men? Who exactly is this for?

HRC is a feminist. She has worked to get policy passed for women and women’s health. She has been an advocate for planned parenthood since forever and made women’s issues the focus world wide during her time as SOS. It is a completely false narrative to say she panders to women. Her record proves you wrong.

And I respectfully disagree. You want to fix the economy focusing on women and families is a great start.

Exactly, as a woman, I definitely believe focusing on women and families is tantamount to fixing the economy. Allies may feel women can take a back seat to the economy. Further Hillary Clinton is most in line with what I believe as a liberal and the most qualified to get things done. It is too historically important