
Well why vote for a feminist ally when you can have a feminist president? What I find frustrating is women having to defend supporting a feminist female candidate to shatter the glass ceiling. As if that is not important or historical. Let’s see, Sandra Fluke testified to men on behalf is on getting contraception

You would not know that to be the case. Every day at Gawker/Jez/TheSlot there is an Anti-HRC post and a positive Sanders one. In fact there is a very anti-Hill post at Gawker now. It is good to know there is a diverse crowd at Jez.

Campaigning and supporting are not the same as working on together. I mean all politicians left and right work together. Support means you go out and help get folks elected.

She is more a democrat than Sanders. She campaigns and supports other Dems to get elected. And they in turn have her back. Bernie is an independent riding on the D ticket so he can win votes. He has not helped other Dems. Then he gets upset when he does not get their support.

LOL, what? So bullying and smear are all Sanders supporters are capable of instead of rational thoughtful dialogue?

Look at how well it is working for the Republicans and the Tea Party...

No, it is the smear by his supporters that is ridiculous. Further, how are these folks going to vote democrat if Clinton gets the nod? So much rhetoric focuses on his “outsider” and “anti-establishment” bent that surely these are not Democrats or even liberals. I mean just in these posts many are vilifying Planned

I left out the word “in”. There is definitely sexism in the smear campaign by Sanders supporters.

Oh no, there is sexism that smear.

Seriously, every post about Sanders or Clinton is a pile on by Sanders supporters. Further check out the HRC Facebook page of boycott if you are not with Bernie or how Elizabeth Warren was taken to task for a positive tweet in support of a Clinton policy. These folks are definitely not going to vote Democrat if

Gawker/Jezebel/TheSlot are in it for Sanders. They hardly post any fair assessments on Clinton and never criticize Sanders. I get that it is all gossip but the bias bad. Not all liberals love Sanders and most do not want aTea Party movement for the left. Look how well that is working for the right.

Those same supporters who vilify, smear and fear monger Hillary Clinton and staunchly do not support anything “establishment.” Are Sanders supporters Democrats or TeaParty?

Should MoveOn.Org have waited n their endorsement? Should Clinton supporters go on their site a scream boycott???

Yeah, that is a bunch of far flung extremist nonsense.

BTW, I too am a Hispanic.

No I responded. We will not agree. I am a social liberal and the rest is center left. I am 41 and lived in real time the first Clinton presidency. HRC as First Lady pushed family and universal health care. She has not changed in these beliefs this whole time. Her voting record as senator is proof of liberal and

But those things were not an issue for you with Obama. Why is it now for HRC? Why does HRC need to be perfect but Obama could be flawed? I am trying to understand how HRC, with her voting record of liberal policies, her ability to get things done and her overwhelming support of women and minorities has been

Obama is just as much supported by the same corporate donors as HRC. Further, did you know that Warren has been one of Obama’s biggest critics. HRC is closer to Obama’s policies than Warren. SMH.

It’s the reactionary responses that seem sexist from Bernie Sanders supporters. HRC is flawed, but so are all politicians. Not one, even Sanders, is perfect. Folks can support Sanders, but often it is fueled by a deep hatred of Clinton as a lying neocon who uses her vag to get votes. Like that shit is nonsense.

Senator Gillibrand! OMG, my feminist heart would burst!