
It’s my bday today, and also the bday of a male coworker. We just made lunch plans. He is married, and I live with my boyfriend. I am absolutely certain there will be no fucking.

Yes. If your marriage is on such shaky grounds that the mere act of getting a soup & salad with a female is enough to break your bond, mayhaps you have bigger issues.

Oysters at Fridays 😬


It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

I admire Pence for coming up with this common sense solution to a very real problem.

“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”

It makes you wonder how many of the immigrant children sitting here in American ICE prisons are going through the same thing?  Except those here don’t get treatment.

Honestly, as someone with recurrent severe (and one near catatonic) depression, this sounds exactly like catatonic depression to me. It’s extremely, extremely serious and incredibly painful. This reaction could only happen due to extreme trauma that the child’s brain literally cannot regulate or process (usually due

A really good point. There is, in the very least, a safety net for the time they are in Sweden. Something we haven’t got, here.

Complex female characters usually get the hate. Skylar White had the audacity to not be OK with her husband making meth and killing people. Lori was flawed, but ultimately not horrible. Andrea got on my nerves, but only because of her weird hero-worship of Shane.

Skylar White didn’t do anything wrong either. I think AMC shows tend to attract misogynists who get pissed when women act like more than pretty background objects.

Rick decided to sew his own asshole shut and live inside of a bird.

I LOVVVVEEEEE REAL GENIUS!! Does everyone hate Val Kilmer? I had such a crush on him after THE Saint.

Everyone hates on Val Kilmer, but my kids and I loved him in Top Secret and Real Genius, and *sacrilege!* he’s our favorite Batman.

It is. Why do you want to treat children like people, FFS? Everyone knows that they are property and/or avatars through whom their parents vicariously live. Otherwise, what is the point of being a parent anyway?

Is my distress about how children are treated in toto showing?

I want to both support the publishing industry for putting out books like this one, and also bitch about them — THERE IS NOW A WHOLE HUGE (TEENY TINY) STACK OF BOOKS ABOUT KIDS WHO PRESENT AS BOYS WHO IDENTIFY AS GIRLS/FLUID BUT THERE IS JACK SHIT ABOUT THOSE WHO PRESENT AS GIRLS BUT ARE BOYS/FLUID. Phew, that felt

No, a book cannot cause someone to become gay. It might, however, help someone to internally acknowledge that they are gay, and thus have more self-acceptance, more self-esteem, and a greater sense of security.

Thank you. SO much better. Salt has been one of the greatest miracles of my life. I hope that your medical condition improves with the added sodium, and that your body restores homeostasis, soon. Sending good thoughts your way. 🔆