Condidering both choices resulted a lunatic being elected, and participation trophies aren’t being handed out, you’ll have to explain to me precisely what the difference is between these two populations, because I don’t see one.
Condidering both choices resulted a lunatic being elected, and participation trophies aren’t being handed out, you’ll have to explain to me precisely what the difference is between these two populations, because I don’t see one.
“I support revenge porn, ladies!”
Stein spoiled Michigan and Wisconsin. That’s not even debatable
Don’t forget all those Stein supporters in Michigan and Wisconsin.
Had Stein supporters in Mich and Wisconsin, and ONLY 14% percent of Johnson supporters in Penn voted for Clinton, she’d have won.
Had Stein supporters in Mich and Wisconsin, and ONLY 14% percent of Johnson supporters in Penn voted for Clinton, she’d have won.
Progressives do nothing but have it both ways.
I know what their strategy WAS: Don’t vote or vote for Jill Stein.
Sure, but most of us liberals know that it was whinging progressive cunts, like the protesters, that cost Clinton the election.
Nope. This is the energy that was needed TUESDAY.
And for those that could actually drag themselves to the polls, they voted for the wrong person.
LOl. You can’t control your emotions. Haha. How mature.
The time to do good things was Tuesday. You fucking dropped the ball.
None of which is more important than voting, which many of those protesters didn’t do.
Full of rage eh? Is she rageful toward her fellow stupid liberals that didn’t vote for Clinton?
Who is she protesting? The shiftless progressives who refused to voted for Clinton? I’m there!
People are laughing at your wife. Liberals are laughing at your wife
So did you vote for?
You think he’ll quit??
Yeah. Latinos and blacks get along real well.