
at this point in my life, the thing I love most about this, and i love Keanu and I’m psyched that Winona has a romantic lead, is that Winona is only 7 years younger than Keanu and not 20.

It’s really such a dick move to keep someone’s dead dad’s guitar, I honestly can’t believe it.

They should get America’s favorite dad as stand in one Mr. Tom Hanks.

No wonder Meghan knows her way around royalty. Her dad is a fucking drama queen.

If Mr Polanski wants to be reinstated, he should be able to be reinstated. Provided that he submit written justification for reinstatement in person to the Academy’s offices in California.

When I read the announcement that he’d be kicked out I thought it was too little too late, but the knowledge that this bullshit “punishment” actually upsets him to the point of consulting with a legal team gives me great pleasure. Is there anything else he can be kicked out of? A frequent flyer mile program? A

I mean he won his last Oscar in 2002. Over two decades after he plead guilty to statutory rape. So... it’s understandable that he’s confused about the Academy thinking that’s an issue.

He was blindsided because he never thought in a million years the Academy would have kicked him out... and they wouldn’t have either, but then they had to kick out Bill Cosby and didn’t want to look like fucking hypocrites.

IDK if I should feel sad about her and Drake not being friends anymore or not. But I forgot that dude was really laying it on thick at the VMAs...

Bret Easton Ellis is trash.

We all are raccoons, trapped into this thing we called society.

Chris Pine has a flip phone, too. Let’s go out, the 4 of us.

I’ll be first to buy a paper ticket for My Beautiful Luddite

Last of the Nokians

He didn’t actually retire. He’s going to be in a movie about a famous actor who retires from acting and starts riding the subway like a regular guy, and he’s also sick of all the media saturation that people subject themselves to on a daily basis, spending all their time staring at screens instead of interacting with

You know, if you had told me 20 years ago that I would agree more with Tom Arnold than Roseanne. I probably would have been somewhat incredulous.

This is why this is why I absolutely refuse to watch her stupid show. I will not support this wack-a-doo Trump supporter. It’s also serious bullshit that she put some little Black girl in the show to act as a buffer against the obvious fact that Trump supporters are racist. She’s disgusting and she can go choke for

What do you mean, the — oh, let’s not get into this.

I don’t really believe that ‘consensual sex workers’ is a thing. Give me a society where a living wage is available to women on the low end of the socioeconomic spectrum, where health care and child care are available, and where rape and sexual assault are taken seriously and prosecuted. Then tell me that women who