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Have you ever seen this Senate testimony by a young Fred Rogers? He delivers a heartfelt, touching speech on the power of children’s programming and public TV, and then after he’s singlehandedly won the funding, he sits back, LIKE A BOSS.

The world didn’t deserve that man but I’m sure glad we had him. Thank you Mr. Rogers for being my friend when nobody else would.

It’s weird how the super controlling “no public dating” clause in the divorce agreement with Tom was probably the best thing for this relationship. I wish my exes’ toxic interference could inadvertently yielded such healthy outcomes.

Suzy Parker was way before that.

Jennifer Garner doesn’t get enough credit for playing the game. In one post she reminded people she’s single (on a night where she looked spectacular), promoted two of her projects, and showed that she can laugh at herself, making her super relatable. Ben Affleck never deserved her.

Is the little dipshit afraid he’s never going to see 21? Is he terminal with a rare shooting disorder, soothed only by gun powder? Is there a squirrel hanging around his bird feeder who needs a proper dispatching—like—yesterday? What’s the rush, little bro? Plenty of time left in your young life to fend off the King

I don’t know, allowing people to post pictures with their guns seems like a good way to quickly weed out the people I never, ever, ever, want to go with on a date.

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Obligatory reminder of why NBC awarding this mediocre woman a $20M contract is such a travesty.

It also reeks of white privilege. That they can treat this as a game or an amusement. Meanwhile POC are being brutalized.

I can’t think of a comparable example of a big political get-together that doesn’t involve a murderer’s row of conservatives. They’ve got kooks, conspiracy theorists, fascists, crypto-fascists, neo-fascists, Rear Admirals, queer Admirals, etc. and it’s treated as a normal thing that Republicans do. Trump spoke at a

Laura, the girl who lost her friends when she came out as “conservative”, shows how the internet has really been instrumental in radicalizing people and bringing horrible people together.

I had nothing better to do.

But maybe if they get back together it’ll fix the fucking glitch in the matrix that we’re currently living in?

Can it be, she murmured, that true love shall be ever lost to me? And that I shall have to content myself with a mere fortune and dozens of dashing, young popinjays?

Can you EVEN imagine if brad and jenn got back together?