
I’m calling it; David Foster was the worst fucking husband from the Real Housewives franchise.

Three kids, though... I hope they appreciate what mom did to support dad’s sobriety all these years.

“To play the devils advocate”

I was a bit older than Bennett when my thirty-something boss and I began a consensual relationship. It was a “making up for lost time” sexual-shenanigans proposition for her and a “wow, this is the smartest, coolest, most interesting woman in the world” scenario for me.

I don’t know what’s the worse out of these two horrendous things. The abuse of a minor while in a position of power over them or the fact she’s now using the same language of denial and claims of persecution that all the abusers up to now have used to try and get away with, when she knows what it’s like to be on the

I feel like this particular murder struck me harder than most because as much as I always say to myself “they don’t always look like the type” (my father didn’t look like the type either), this guy DIDN’T LOOK LIKE THE TYPE. He looks like a dude I’d swipe a hard right on. And he didn’t use a gun, he was capable of

OR we ask more of people and not normalize being an asshole.

If this is your response to her harassment and her response, you’re the one who is trash. Also: IT’S A KID’S MOVIE! STFU! 

As a completely defeated and broken Gen-Xer, one of my only bright spots in life is seeing today’s youth doing their thing. They will save us all. 

How about Madonna’s “tribute” to Aretha last night? (Dressed like the Illuminati Queen, no less.) I believe the tribute was titled “Me, Me, Me, Me!” I hope at the Madonna tribute at the VMA’s in 20 years, they trot out Flavor Flav.

After decades of debate, the last few years have proven that Trekkies are a better fanbase than us Star Wars folks. Large portions of both fanbases were unhappy with the new film adaptations, but only one side went so far as to harass and threaten people so much they had to quit social media.

Trust me, as a fellow fit person, everything is just a long con to be able to post pictures of yourself without a shirt on.

Jen: I’m not ready to get divorced.

When I was younger, I used to think bad kid = bad parent. But as I’ve grown older (and been unfortunate to know some really useless little shits), I realized that most of these assholes don’t come from bad people, didn’t have bad upbringings. Most of them are just whiny little shithead crybabies who think they’re

Normally, it would be a dick move to laugh at someone for living at home in their thirties, or mock one’s financial pickle. But Kessler is a virulent racist behind the Charlottesville, Virginia Unite the Right where Heather Heyer was killed after a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters. So

Or at least not give him the wifi password.

Kessler then goes on a rant about how his family has been brainwashed by the History Channel’s anti-German, pro-Jewish propaganda. He’s likely referring to the network’s old reputation of constantly airing World War II documentaries

My blood pressure just shot up reading this.

OMG the real meeting versus the fake meeting. This shit happened to me all the time on Capitol Hill.

On this note it boggles my mind the amount of people of Irish heritage in the Trump administration (and daily life) who advocate restricting immigration. Our families didn’t get off the boat/plane to start shoving other political and economic migrants back on it.