
Very good point! I don’t understand his snark here at all. Planning for retirement is a good thing. Having a stable home life is possible if you’re doing shows in one place, a good thing. It seems to be working for her.

I always wonder what Jessica Biel thinks about this. It’s so weird for a grown, married man/father to keep making digs about about a girlfriend he dated 16 (yes, I just looked it up on Wikipedia) years ago.

There’s nothing that says “classy” like dissing your teenage ex for no good reason. Keep on keeping on, JT 🙄

Kid still put his money where his mouth is. I think that’s worth something. More so than other actors and actresses who have worked with Allen and then did or said nothing; or worse voiced support of Woody.

So when I first read the name “Kevin Bleyer” I thought “oh good, some white dude is accusing women of bullying. I bet he NEVER is on the MRA subreddit.”

Chunk Handler was one of the best celebrity dogs... He was a good boy ;(

She is someone I thought of early in the Weinstein mess because as a kid the only thing I knew about Sharon Stone was that she had a reputation for being “difficult” - a word that has been totally re-contextualized in my brain this past few months.

Sharon Stone is a gift we don’t deserve. That cozy sweater, on the other hand, is a gift I do deserve.

The girl who escaped is 17 but looked 10. Think about how you looked in fourth grade as opposed to how you looked as a junior in high school. She still had the courage and faculties to run and ask for help.

“I don’t know why she would do this to me”

So by my count, at least 4 adults knew about this and not one of them went to the police? Not only that they allowed her to continue to work with this guy? What the fuck? After she broke her ribs, someone should have been screaming bloody murder. Obviously they all only cared about her career and their own careers,

You just compared her to Ted Nugent for fucks sake. Got it you hate her.

Now playing

Every once in awhile someone gets famous and you’re super happy for them. Haddish is one of those people. 

He married the daughter of his partner, they “fell in love” while he was her paternal figure, he took naked pictures of her and kept them hidden in a drawer I think and that’s how Mia found out.

I will not work with anyone who has a problematic history of abusive/racist/ homophobic/ misogynist/ harassing/ inappropriate sexual behaviour

I would be really happy for a few dudes who have worked with Woody Allen or any of the reported abusers to weigh in and add their voices to the “Not working with this guy again” conversation. Their silence is deafening as only women appear to be called to account for it, are taking the professional hit and have to

Sorry but 29 years old you are not that young.

I mean maybe as the younger generation of feminists we have the luxury to be outraged at things they simply had to shut up and put up with. I get that too. Not that they’re right, but I understand it.