
Remember he’s dead? This is his own personal Hell. It’s a crossover with The Good Place.

I hope this poor ladies Gofundme raises a couple of million dollars.

Trump is president and Paris Hilton doesn’t look so bad in comparison to the resident famous-for-nothing-celebs. This simulation is not working. Shut it down and start a new one

But Hoda has been with NBC forever too, and I think people know her just as well as Matt Lauer.

It’s all terrible. There are studies that show that the gap exists immediately after college. Two people who have the same degree and same experience will have different salaries for no reason other than their gender. And men who negotiate are seen as “go getters” and women are seen as “pushy bitches” so even having

Well it rains water here and that’s a more valuable commodity than diamonds.

Alright, Goldie and Kurt, longtime mountain friends, can stay (Melanie too) but no more newbies. And this is not a “no transplants” thing, I’m just tired of “!!! Famous people in Aspen” stories. Although this year we may have jumped the shark, Rita Ora is now onboard.

I saw it a couple of days ago. I honestly think it is the best Star Wars movie so far, if one can set aside their nostalgia for the original trilogy. There were many truly emotional moments, taking me from hopeful to depressed to laughing. The acting is a million times better than anything Lucas directed, and the new

I really feel like stupid people are getting dumber and dumber every year. As technology advances, there’s less and less need for people who were already not the brightest to value critical thinking skills. Like, your phone can just tell you everything, so why come to logical conclusions on your own or be

Starred for Pigs in Space, a monumental achievement second only to “Swine Lake”.

Have these people never seen movies in space before? A lack of sound is not unique in this genre. I’ve seen it so many times now that I didn’t even really notice it happening while watching the movie.

This is going to serve as my excuse to complain about Poe not following orders because he knows better that everyone else. I’m so tired of that character (I don’t just mean Poe Dameron). We get it, breaking the rules is, like, so cool. Now can we please move on from this storyline? I’m as bored of this as I am of

I’m surprised no one’s talking about this, I hate most of my family but I’d be PISSED if my fiance said some shit like that to the media or even in private.

“My family is royal, and her family, well, they don’t really even count.” Maybe the dis is totally justified—I wouldn’t know—but damn.

Sorry but does no one think what Prince Harry said was rude? No I guess most people don’t have Royals as family but literally that was a very not nice thing to say.

Let’s be real. She’s salty AF that she’s from the trash side of the family, and her younger, prettier, half-black sister gets to be a princess.

That quote from Harry is truly cringe-worthy. The lede is buried.

To be fair, “it’s the family that I suppose she’s never had” is a pretty aggressive snub. I suspect that Prince Harry actually does know her.