
Ha! this and her saying her ideal Christmas was to be on a desert island makes me thing Melania’s fucking with us—I hope she’s taking notes when she watches.

Ugh I had to stop watching that show because it literally made NO SENSE and I just kept screaming at the screen THAT’S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS.

Nothing anyone says could convince me he actually sat down and watched Citizen Kane all the way through at any point, ever.

Eh - I think both women look great. Different, but both great.

I’m just here to say that Robert Pattinson was really sweet to my dog once, so in my house, we respect Robert Pattinson. Emma Watson has never interacted with my dog, but she seems like a nice enough young lady. I have no objection to this potential couple.

Does anyone else miss Tweet Beat and Midweek Madness?

“In sports, especially team sports, women just don’t drive the numbers.”

Bullshit, as shown by the excellent ratings for smart shows with Hannah Storm and the like. 

This is exactly why I extricated myself from geek culture a long time ago. Although the seeds of it definitely were present in the ‘90s, at some point in the ‘00s geekdom became a den of truly vile misogyny, which reared its head publicly with Gamergate. And, of course, since this was a movement full of resentful

It’s funny to him because he thinks sexism is funny. He liked the idea of a woman being dehumanized and sexualized against her will. Ha Ha Ha women are sex objects ha ha ha.

I think he’s was def still drinking during SSM, I also kinda want to rewatch it now that I know this info, I imagine a lot of the health issues stemmed from drinking almost everyday AND eating Big Macs, I also think Mc Donald’s could probably sue his ass if they wanted to. I mean to say “if you eat Mc Donald’s your

I love that Obama and Michelle will be guests of honor at the wedding and Trump will likely not even get an invite.

The issue isn’t the altering of the dags, but the standard of care she is supposed to employ when altering the dags. Fuck her wrinkly old ass.

Charlotte Casiraghi is Grace Kelly’s granddaughter. Her mom is Caroline, the Princess of Monaco (although I guess she is still going by her estranged husband’s title so she’s styling herself Princess of Hannover still?) I did not believe Charlotte was pregnant with Brad Pitt’s baby because all the women in that family

“For God’s sake, these are the people who first put Kate Winslet on the film map!”

Oh, gimme a break.

Why is Justin Timberlake still give movie roles? Why is Mark Wahlberg given every opportunity for acting and producing?

Sorry guys, I should have known this would bring out all the MRA types. They’re like bloodhounds for this shit.

Oh my god, I can relate to this. Went through his phone when he went to the bathroom cause he had been pretty damn bad about hiding it earlier that day. Bam. Most recent text convo.