
I think America is more SEXIST than people realized. After all, a black man got elected twice. It was the white, very qualified, woman who was beaten by the baboon in a bad wig.

Anthony Weiner was an asshole. But Trump won because America is more racist than white people admitted. It’s not a fluke that a lot of poc knew Trump would win.

Because cooking and clean up is the entertainment being provided. How many “dinner parties” have I been invited to, which are advertised to start at 7 or so, but the ingredients are actually still in the fridge at 7...dinner finally cooked and served at 10 after everyone has gathered around for three hours just

“...some lame-o is sure to offer to start washing them, and then insisting, and then your glamorous party becomes a hootenany of chores instead of the Algonquin Round Table like you’d hoped.”

How can people with open plan even have dinner parties? All the dirty dishes are sitting there staring you in the face and some lame-o is sure to offer to start washing them, and then insisting, and then your glamorous party becomes a hootenany of chores instead of the Algonquin Round Table like you’d hoped.

Of course hes not gonna use his tax funded healthcare to pay for treatment right? Out of principle?

She is. He’s just not paying her for it.

I’m tired of all the couldawouldashoulda from 2016, we’re stuck with Trump now. Ya’ll can let go of all that back & forth stuff. It’s time to leave your egos & pride out. I need the DNC to get on the ball with solutions to help the poor & middle class people. Listen to the poor folks, listen to their issues!

God, just GO. AWAY.

Something seems shady about her story and her motivations. If not shady, at the very least selfish. It appears self serving. Also, thanks for the help in helping the Dems going into the mid term elections, Donna. It seems your need to tell your “story” precedes our nation’s need of getting the GOP out of power and

You are why Trump won.

He’s privileged yes, but he uses that for good. There is nothing wrong with that. Stop shaming people for no good reason. He’s earned all his credentials by merit. It’s pretty clear just looking at his resume.

I’m a black, disabled, queer woman from the south and I don’t resent a fucking to-the-manor-born journalist one bit. He hasn’t taken a thing from me and, with this gig, has given so very much back to me. Hush.

Is there any job he could do that you wouldn’t attack him for?

Okay please. Yes he is privileged but that resume above cannot be achieved by privilege alone. Come ON.

Billions of dollars is an obscene amount of wealth. It’s more wealth than any one person or family can ever hope to use (in other worse, that’s money being taken out of the economy). It is absolutely a failure of government and economy that we have so many people worth so much. These people are parasites actively

The very existence of billionaires is an example of how our government and economic systems have failed.

joe ricketts eat shit

Wasn’t Sanders also offered the fundraising arrangement? Brazile really seems to be engaging in revisionist history here. And that’s not going to make Bernie kiss up to her.