
Having spent several rainy afternoons watching Will & Grace reruns on WE TV, I am wholeheartedly saying yes. They’ve aged surprisingly well aside from some pop culture references.

Nah, but I’m gonna watch it out of curiosity and because I did love them back in the day. I’m really just curious how they are gonna handle what they did with the timeline. Just erase everything that happened, is what I hear. I wanna see if that works.

Meanwhile, Scaramucci’s wife, Deidre Ball, has filed for divorce. According to a person, she is “fed up with his ruthless quest to get close to President Trump, whom she despises.” Okay.

Trump was upset that WH Comms made him look like a buffoon, getting swept up in lies and flapped right and left. He brings in Mr. Wall Street, a guy who pundits and press last week were swooning all over as “silver-tongued,” saying things along the lines of, “the resistance should be worried about this guy.” I’m sure

Mary, school nurse in Indiana: Caught her breast cancer early because she could afford to get regular mammograms

Before the internet, women didn’t have a whole lot of exposure to other women who publicly aired their unhappiness in their marriages and relationships. At a certain point, Princess Diana revealed it all, including her misery with Charles and eating disorders. That is not a small thing and she should be given credit.

I’ve been getting a big kick out of seeing little girls meet Wonder Woman. When little girls start meeting the new Doctor, that will be so cool. There are so many male role models. It’s nice to have some female ones. Besides the female Doctor doesn’t invalidate the doctors before her. She is another incarnation of the

I have a pretty good suggestion for how Sanders could improve but it would involve growing a soul so that’s not happening.

We rub them belt buckles ‘til they shine like chrome


I honestly don’t give two fucks about John McCain. He gets to die surrounded by family without having to worry about burdening anyone with insurmountable medical debt because of his excellent insurance and considerable wealth. All the while, poor people who face similar diagnoses will not fair anywhere near as well

If John McCain has brain cancer, then what will the rest of the GOP be diagnosed with?

As long as they’re both consenting adults, who tf are you to judge?

So...let me get this shit straight...Jezebels are JEALOUS, because they can’t suck the dick and fuck a R&B singer who is on the low end of his career...and we’re envious that we can’t be passed around to sexually service his friends like we were a bowl of Skittles...we’re envious cause we can’t stay in bootleg ass

As long as they’re both consenting adults, who tf are you to judge?

Because this is emotional abuse, aka crime.

Only 19% of this entire country voted for Trump though. Basically the maximum number of Republicans turned out, while Democratic turn out was meh. If every Democrat and progressive turned out every election, we’d be saying “remember when the GOP was a thing? Thank goodness those days are over.”

“Clinton lost- get over it! It’s that simple!”

You are...not nearly as informed about recent events as you think you are.

I’m pretty sure “edged closer to Republicans” means “nominated someone I still have a throbbing hate-boner for.” Acting like a $13 minimum wage is close to Republican policy platforms is a giggle at best and completely disingenuous at worst.