
To be fair, the reason I didn’t watch the new Muppet show was because the commercials made it look like they were all acting out of character...

Every other damned thing in the world is being digitized, why not electronic gun holsters? The strap doesn’t unlock unless the body cam is running.

I beleive it’s true that execs thought his legs looked silly. I don’t think George gives a fuck however.

I really hate when the Kardashians get excited about “going on vacation”. Your whole fucking life is vacation.

Yeah, it’s kinda just as I have feared all along. Sure the Trumps and company are despicable creatures, but the fact that so many people are okay with this should scare the shit out of all of us. I feel like we are 1932 Germany.

Today I felt like I breathed fresh air for the first time in nine months. My heart is soaring. I’m gonna get so blackout drunk when these fuckers are finally all indicted, it will probably put me in the hospital.

leaving your bedroom, i suspect.

Old and child free here - do everything I can to be environmentally friendly even though I have no dog in this race. It’s the assholes that aren’t but have their own generations coming up behind them whose sanity I question.

Yes, but at least they had a sense of decorum. While you were allowed certain youthful indiscretions, you were also expected to eventually settle down and they had a high regard for public service. Some of them (quite notably) may have fallen short of the standard, but at least there were standards.

Well, of course their paid less. Scott Caan is the son of someone famous and Alex O’Loughlin was on that vampire show that lasted a whole half season.

Maybe I’m weird but I’m more disgusted by paparazzi stalking and photographing random old people minding their own, than by the above IG pics on a waterslide.

There’s nothing Americans hate more than successful women looking happy.

I wouldn’t be surprised. And I guess it doesn’t bother me all that much. As far as I can tell her music is mostly harmless pablum. In 10 years people will be telling her she’s too old, too fat, too whatever. In terms of “monetizing the fun one is having in her 20s,” I’ll take TS over Paris Hilton and friends getting

It’s stressful to agree with both of you on this.

“She’s being more careful this year. She’s learning.”

It’s prime for the Gen X aging hipster (I wear my badge proudly). Winona! All the nods to the 80's films of yore- Stand By Me, ET, etc. the neighborhood looks exactly like where I grew up, which makes sense as it’s filmed in Georgia.

Are you young? I think those of us who really love the show grew up on 80's films just like this. The nostalgia is great.

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Part of me thinks that he’s near death and North Korea only let him go bc they don’t want a dead American on their hands,

I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.