
If she would actually push him hard to defend his positions and present actual certifiable facts that counter his BS, then maybe, *maybe*, I could see the journalistic value of this (though I’d still think it was a bloody stupid idea to give this asshole a platform and legitimize him).

Most problematic was the unusual control that the author,

The over 2,200 companies include ConEd, Subaru, Toyota, and T-Mobile, thanks in part to Sleeping Giants, an activist group which tweets several times a day at companies which unwittingly advertise there via third-party vendors.

NotMyBoyfriend and I were talking today, and we decided “covfefe” is an acronym for, “Can’t Offer Verifiable Facts... Ehhh... Fuck Everyone.”

I’m sure Donald was really concerned about Sasha and Malia’s emotional well being when he was peddling his birther bullshit for eight years.

Its definitely Simon Cowell who comes off bad in that one.

Nope. Gotta give ‘em hell when they’re being ridiculous and support their good efforts.

I wish TJ Miller could act like a normal human being, because he’s kind of hot. But then again, just do you boo?

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]

I went to a posh children’s store about a decade ago, when my kid was nine. There was another ten year old trying on dresses and the saleslady said, “I will try to find one that is more figure flattering” to the TEN YEAR OLD GIRL. I lost my mind. Wasn’t my kid, but I complained to the manager, wrote a letter of

If this were the Middle East, it would go something like, “Despot who wins in unlawful election fires head of feared mukhabarat (secret agency); family consolidates control over the country. International observers decry leader’s decisions and calls for democratic elections.”

The police officer’s parents are already in the media trying to spin him as a “good father” and a “family man”, never mind that he’s divorced and has two children born within 12 days of each other by two different women.

Mid-life crisis = time for change. Let’s hope we all go through one or two and come out stronger people for it.

What is a 25 year old doing running a major event like this? I see this all the time when a company brings in some young overconfident kid who talks a big game, who went to a nice school, has the right connections and knows how to speak hipster. Almost every time they screw up so critically someone with experience has