
Mods and Rockers are gearing up for a rumble in Brighton... err Mos Espa...

As an ur-fan who saw and adored the OT in theaters as a teen, the PT and TCW were a shocking tonal shift. Turns out the SW universe is a pretty shabby, shitty place, has been for eons. It’s a decaying society, a caste society, a slaver society. Sentient non-organic people (droids) and cloned men stripped of freewill

Disney will likely continue with Lucas’ annoying habit of dancing around the ethics. Yes, SW droids are self-aware, have self-determination, have emotions, form attachments, and achieve personhood. Their personhood is inconvenient for their creators and masters. It’s usually at this point they get their memories wiped

Once the Clones were introduced into the canon, Star Wars went from a rollicking space western/space adventure to a dystopian nightmare. Their creation and ill treatment is the great moral atrocity of this universe.

He’s still a pretty awful person. Rampart placed the finest of the TKs under his command and stewardship. He’s slain all but one of them, and for nothing more than getting a bit mouthy towards him.

Echo gives her his Domino Squad cadet helmet. Best hand-me-down ever!

Crosshair has a veritable smorgasbord of neuroses ... which are the least of his problems. He’s a homicidal maniac. What in the Sam Hill are they going to do with him?

Probably something worse than death, like being guinea pigs for the Phase Zero Dark Trooper program, or the zombified Purge Trooper program.

TBB has a colossal leadership vacuum now. They’ve lost their sergeant. They’ve lost their 2nd in command. (That’s just how I’ve always viewed Crosshair). I don’t see any of the the remaining four being able to fully step in.

TBB’s parenting skills are still crap — and I’m not sure if this is a bug, or a feature.

The elite Squad of the GAR is in the wilderness, reduced to being gun-runners, drug couriers, and enforcers because they refused to blindly serve this new Empire. Every Clone trooper who choses to to the right thing suffers for it. Howzer’s going to suffer. I also respect Hunter for not immediately signing up to any

True. I dissed “Devil’s Deal”... and then regretted it because “Rescue on Ryloth” paid everything back in spades, the best ep IMHO. This was fun. I like Perlman’s Cid. Roland is an interesting new character, a breath of fresh air. I love the expanded role of the two barflys. TBB and Hunter continue to have crap

TBB gives their kid sister to the lethal Pyke Syndicate as a hostage while they try to retrieve the drugs, errr I mean “spice” they stole for Cid, the Trandoshan female whose been loan-sharking and blackmailing them all along. Hmmm.

That wasn’t just “enough free will.” Howzer’s behavior far exceeded covertly helping the Syndullas, which is what I expected. He stood up in the city center and had his Spartacus moment. A big GFY to Rampart and Lama Su. Total bad-ass.

Agreed. The behavior of Capt. Howzer and his men gravely undermines Prime Minister Lama Su’s efforts to “sell” the Clones to the Empire. If Rampart doesn’t kill them, the Kaminoans certainly will. Too bad, Howzer is pretty remarkable among his brothers. Hunter paused to look back at him alone at the main door... he

Interesting turn for Howzer (aka Rex with Better Hair). He has A LOT agency for on O66 clone. And not just him. More than a few of his men followed him and defied the Empire. What gives? Bad chips? Something in the Rylothian water that infers with their functioning? Is the purpose of the chip really so narrowly

Crosshair’s another one being horribly short-changed in the character development department. He’s just a boilerplate 2-dimensional baddie. Remember the horrible burns he sustained in Reunion? We all wondered how it would change him, change his story arc. Turns out it’s NBD! Quick healer that Crosshair. Jeez, what a

So Rebels made old clones look like Santa in a muscle tankie? Ick, I wish I could un-see that.

So, Rebels made old clones look like Santa in a wifebeater? I wish I could un-see that.

A TBB episode sans TBB? I don’t get it. This one was definitely a solid C+. Guess you’d have to have seen Rebels to dig the fan-service.