
Same here. Filoni’s saddled this poor guy with some pretty heavy baggage. Clones aren’t supposed to have PTSD, not break under pressure. That said, in Ep1, when Echo wakes under the surgical lights of the Kaminoan medical bay, he starts to have a major freak out, the look on his face pure terror... until he hears

TBB knows now, thanks to Rex, that none of the Clones are acting under their own volition. When Rex told them “I don’t want to bury any more brothers,” that had to hit a nerve. Plus Wrecker’s tale, after coming back from Order 66, that he was still in there, fully aware, and in a battle of wills with his O66 alter ego

Not much drama. Not much heavy-lifting. Still, this was a fun, action-filled episode. I was expecting some sort of crisis for Echo... after all, it’s the Separatists who tortured him, turned him into a cyborg. He was clearly unhappy about the mission.

Your genotype (DNA) is not entirely your destiny. Y0ur phenotype — how your genes express themselves in a given environment — is actually more important.

A clearly ass-whipped Hunter trying to reassure Omega he can protect her … Omega absolutely not buying it. Hunter, jeez, he’s a hot mess.

OK, my take away at the end: Only Wrecker & Tech clearly had their chips removed. Echo was just getting ready to go under the knife. Hunter, being the Captain was of course to be last, after first seeing all his squad taken care of and safe. Hunter didn’t show any signs of the surgery when talking with Rex. I didn’t

“Listen chaps, I’m done for...I‘ve got a gamy leg and I’m going eat me.”

Like the British Naval Expedition to Lake Pahoe Skit:

Here’s my take on this: The ship’s boy was a mutineer deliberately planted into Crozier’s group by Hickey. When Bridgeons and Crozier are talking in the first few minutes of the episode, they mention how the ship’s boy managed to find his way back after a long absence, giving them some hope of Hodgson and Goodsir

It was scored by experimental composer Marcus Fjellstrom, who died suddenly, and young, shortly after completing this project. Also of note, the funeral of Sir John at the end of “The Ladder” is set to Lustmord’s “Goetia.” So haunting...

Dang, I expected Fitzjames to go down fighting. His suicide, assisted by Crozier was singularly disappointing and depressing...especially after his spectacular “Come at Me Bro” moment at the end of “Terror Camp Clear.” The sight of him calmly targeting his beloved Congreve rocket, slow-match hanging out of the side of

His motivation: Revenge. Hickey wants to destroy Crozier. Survival is secondary to paying Crozier back for the savage lashing he received.

And while Trump sows global chaos with this Muslim Ban, we’re all missing the REALLY ALARMING fact that he’s “re-organized” the National Security Council. Chief Strategist (and Ultra White Nationalist) Steve Bannon is now a full member. The Director of National Intelligence and the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Yup, he’s the one running our country now. Him and Steve Miller.

Polling which compared a 2-way race to a 4-way race consistently showed both Stein and Johnson hurting Clinton more than Trump.

No, polling in September indicated that Johnson/Stein’s inroads with Millennial voters was hurting Clinton far more than Trump. Our conservative friends at NR saw this coming. Professor Alan Lichtmann saw this coming. A strong showing by third party candidates was the 6th and final key that virtually assured that the