
My boyfriend uses Irish Spring and I used it the first time I showered there and HOLY HELL does that stuff dry you out. I went out and bought bodywash and a loofa immediately.


She responded to someone on twitter and said that her publicist has been reaching out to everyone, with no takers, for months

Considering approximately 1 billion percent more American women are a size 8 or 10 than runway model sized, wouldn’t it be MORE economical to risk a size 8 or 10 celeb not liking your dress? Because you have a much larger market on which to attempt to sell it to someone else?

Yeah, this. The clinic I volunteer at is inundated with male protesters, but most of the women protesters who show up seem to have a personal story of regret motivating them. It would be really great if people could recognize their personal experiences are not universal.

Right, but I was explaining what the COMMENT said

What? I don’t think this person is saying that the second she got rejected she should have gotten an “It’s because you’re not good enough” speech.... I think they are saying that, before letting their daughter *take her claims of reverse racism to the Supreme Court* those parents should have sat her down and said “you

yah she’s the worst

I’m confused that Hudson is a girl’s name

I actually wear a fair amount of Free People but man, the styling on this site is really traumatizing

I actually wear a fair amount of Free People but man, the styling on this site is really traumatizing

She could not be more of an obnoxious creep about her success. That whole thing with Apple music? Where she wrote the big public letter about how she won’t allow them to carry her music because they don’t pay *artists* and *art* has *worth* and this *isn’t about Taylor it’s about artists everywhere* and then Apple

Oh for sure but like I don’t think they read Jezebel, they’re over on HelloGiggles or xoJane talkin’ ‘bout how to deal with your BFF getting a BF

I... think everyone thinks she’s the worst?

She’s gotta be the least Jewish person imaginable so this is a real shock

Yeah, this is really truly awful

If this is a real spoiler this is rude as hell, it’s impossible not to see the rest of the comment

Yeah this is a solid “I did not win” statement. I think he’s almost DEFINITELY the next Bachelor (though I will never stop rooting for Wells)

Look all I know is I want that plane sweater

Of course Taylor approved it. Taylor needs to make herself seem like the victim, that’s like, her WHOLE THING, she’s a victim that overcomes it. And it’s getting harder and harder because Taylor Swift is in *no way* a victim, and we can all see it.

I stand strong for Swiffleston but will also accept Captain TT Swiftles