JE McManus

I think he totally could, Birdie. After all, this IS a show about the supernatural!

Sorry. Just not feeling it. Biased I suppose as I just don't care for the Hecate character. When that exorcism was performed, spontaneously, at the end of Season 1, it sealed the deal for me on the romance for Vanessa end. Those two are meant for each other.

haha. No. Definitely Jovan. I think you may be referring to Johann Bach - the composer!

or just "she's a fox."

That's a revelation for me and one that just makes me ill! But aren't there actually two pilots available?

It was pretty awful all the way around. I usually watch each episode twice —the second time with closed captioning. By the end of the first watch I felt I'd seen, sat through more than enough. No need to revisit.

It was really, really brutal. The transition between seeing Philip the boy wiping blood from his face to Philip the man repeating the action in physical memory was riveting and also hard to watch.

Until it was entirely revealed I honestly thought it was some sort of indoctrination exercise to desensitize the future agent with regard to killing. Instead the show peels off another layer of the onion by revealing a very unrefined Philip abandoning himself completely in a murderous rage.

Jovan MUSK

I honestly gave some thought to your stray thought #1 as well. I think if they had all been huddled together like a warm clan when Kevin walked in I would be convinced he was dead. But they all stood together alone (barring Matt & Mary). Old wounds didn't heal. There is still clearly a lot of ambivalence and, for

I didn't even see Capri Sun in the episode. Funny! That notation in the review got me too!

I concur. I hope, though, that it's not quite over. We shall see.

I read through over 800 comments here on Sunday night / Monday morning. After watching the Season 2 finale five times over, I'm giving the episode a solid A. While it's true that there was a ton of plot based action going on, albeit some of it a bit frustrating (idiot female stalking Nora's little Lily) or confusing,

There is still a connection there, despite the fact he loves Nora.

really? thanks for clueing me in. When I looked up the words that is the result that came up (several times).

It's all assumption. Patti, at one point, said he was a pedophile but this was during a tense conversation about whether Kevin should drink the poison. Virgil himself said he "hurt John a long time ago" and under separate cover, referenced something akin to getting shot in his man parts (paraphrasing) that went

???? in what episode? He certainly never said any such thing in the last episode….?????

Ummmm. Christopher Eggleston is right up there with Dowd and the rest. What would the show be without egocentric, egotistical, beautiful loser Matt!

LOL - and what if it comes back to life? I just opted to look at things a bit differently than the tar and feather "he's a pedophile because Patti said so" crowd. Lots of ways to hurt someone - even when man parts that go against natural law are involved.

I completely agree, Tsu. But the two most important women (barring Lily) in his life are either demanding he "fix it now" or leaving him. He was already at the edge of the cliff and desperate to fix things. These two gave him a good push.