JE McManus

hahahaha - I just remembered that! Two extremes - either tweens and teens that are so obnoxious it distracts from the rest of the show or child actors that are ill cast and can't handle their respective roles or lines (last season of SOA) thereby disrupting the flow of every scene they are in.

inch away! I have a John/Erika are brother/sister / hub-wife theory wedged in somewhere amongst the hundreds of comments. I could see John creating the hide the body revenge scenario but it's really difficult for me to envision Michael "everyone deserves forgiveness" participating.

Name withheld wrote "We're going to drive each other nuts trying to guess who did what why".

exactly, barber.

Random note. With all the attention toward wristbands and reservations I wonder how Kevin got Laurie into town with zero fuss.

I honestly believe it's far more likely the girls are deeply entrenched in some muddy abyss than departed. Lindelof indicated there was going to be some sort of parallel reference to the opening scene of season 2 at the end of the show. (referencing a Lindelof interview published on at the onset of the

Yeah - the thing about that is fingering Kevin part is it will in no way explain the draining of the lake. In effect sometimes a handprint is just a handprint. Obviously, John's going to take this as far as he violently can but what conceivable answers can really be drawn from his call to action.

yes and he did say to her that he started seeing patti right after she found lily and moved in with him.

He did deflect the hug from Jill but he definitely hugged Laurie after posting bail for her and getting her out of jail (seen in the same episode). You may be closer to on the money with your original take.

you mean pillar man was the only other person to see patti. virgil could not see patti.

Did anyone pick up on the language based flash cards the child in the hardware store was quizzing the store proprietor with? The words "utka" for duck and "sobotka" for dog were used. These words are referenced as part of Tungusic folklore language - originating in a remote eastern area of Siberia. Why would a child

adding - if the John/Erika sibling theory holds, it's also worth mentioning that a prevalent medical consequence of inbreeding is premature birth (Evie arriving months before twin Michael) and seizures (Evie).

but why is patti informed of this? She could also be making an assumption.

good catch on the sphynx!

I'm wondering, since we aren't sure if Virgil is John's father or Erika's, if perhaps the wretched machinery aspect doesn't stem from the fact that perhaps Virgil fathered both Michael and Erika with two different women, unbeknownst to the two until later in life - would explain Erika telling Nora that no one knows

Erika would have said something more than "what John would do" if this was about Michael being molested. Technically, Michael, as Evie's twin, is still a minor. Erika's concern about Michael going over there would have been more about Michael than what John would do if he knew.

Very astute!

Nora took Mary and Lily with her.

It may not have been a conscious move on Kevin's part but yes, I think there was additional motive in bringing Laurie into the house — definitely relative to Jill.

John's father or Erika's father. Why all the birds? Seems like he was married to Erika's grandmother - making him Erika's dad. Maybe the terrible thing he did long ago to John was father him out of wedlock or in an affair - making John and Erika brother and sister (previously unbeknownst to them). Perhaps that is what