JE McManus

always a sign of a good show - the time remaining check! unless an extended time epi is scheduled we only have 180 remaining minutes to savor til', hopefully, a new season commences next year.

the really brave way would have taken far too much time for Kevin to quickly resolve Nora's leaving him, satisfy Jill, bring the fam back together, etc. etc. —not to mention Kevin is all too aware that it took his dad years to get out of the psych hospital and in effect, he still has the voices - just does what they

Laurie made tons of sense last night but I just couldn't shake the nagging images in memory of her running over members of the guilty remnant because they wouldn't "get out of her way." Laurie was less good, practicing shrink and more what I remember from textbook and another life shrink. She's way too far from

I was pondering the same but thinking, why is Kevin doing the opposite of what his Dad inevitably ended up doing to resolve his madness?

We don't know when Virgil assisted the man in the tower on the town square with "his problem" so perhaps Michael was, in Virgil's mind, old enough to become an "apprentice" of sorts, and has participated in this process previously.

Nora seems to have a habit of "cutting her losses." Or simply cutting off and maintaining the illusion of being "evolved."

My husband expressed similar (no slapping though) sentiments about Jill. I do agree with Fresh Ninja, below. Big picture!

JPM - See my theory above just above your post. It would be impossible for Nora to explain.

It just occured to me that maybe the reason Nora left is that Kevin, in finally being honest and straightforward about Patti, basically refused to allow Nora to put a bandaid on the problem and "evolve." Erika did the same to her. Nora fled from the Murphy home believing she could tuck everything away again and

Why would Michael drag Kevin's body out rather than simply phone the police, if that was the case? Michael was clearly there to implement some sort of task. How would dragging Kevin's body out of Virgil's mobile home add anything to the handprint / consequence / revenge theory?

I'm so hoping you are right, s_man.

It doesn't f'ing matter as long as Matt got his money :-)

Didn't Virgil clearly state that he himself did battle after death to save himself and banish someone that was "on" him? If so, does it matter that another individual he helped was white? I'm just not seeing the racial element as being a factor here. Perhaps I'm being naive.

there would be no reason for Michael to drag Kevin's body out of the house if it was a matter of retaliation.

It could be an affair Virgil had with John's mother. There are variables other than "the obvious" that could come into play. It still doesn't explain why Erika only focuses on what John would do in explaining to Michael why he shouldn't go to his grandfather's house to pray.

She jumped to a conclusion too. Why would Erika tell Michael not to go there because of what John would do rather than expressly forbid him to go based on the fact that he is her son and also prey to her father's perverse predilections if pedophilia was the reason.

I posted something similar after you. I was just slower to the punch in coming to this conclusion.

Nora leaving for the explicit reason that Kevin is "seeing dead people" felt out of character but it seems to be the only logical explanation because she took Lily and Mary with her. I want to believe Nora left because she fears she is a lens but if that was true it would make more sense for her to abandon Lily and

PS - Love the magical bird reviving dirt burial theory, Jgb979.

honestly? Last night I did. And I made the same assumption that our AV Club critic did, e.g. that Virgil believes Kevin had something to do with the trio of girls disappearing. But it occured to me this morning that Virgil stated to Kevin, early in the episode, that Kevin needed a "guide" to help him through the