
I heard that the Oakland Zoo was shutting down because someone fought a panda and left it unconscious. Definitely a case of Marshall Law.

You forgot to read the article before commenting, didn’t you? :)

How is it forgotten when it’s mentioned in the very first paragraph?

It’s mentioned in the article. 

Sorry I snapped at you.

wow. I’m sorry.

“politics are a constant and irremovable part of everything that we all do”

“The PlayStation 2 wouldn’t launch in North America, Europe and Australia.”

I find this whole “Pay $60 for 1/20 of the game is dumb” argument to be ridiculously stupid. You do realize that you’re paying not for the story but the new game in its entirety right? If you just want the story, I have news for you, just don’t buy it and watch a LetsPlay. You think Square can just crap out games of

You fundamentally misunderstand the motivations of corporate overlords. They don’t do things with the customer’s comfort in mind. They have two motivations: extract as much money from you as possible, at the lowest possible cost to them.

Well, I guess they don’t understand much about his policies. He wants to raise all their taxes.

Or maybe you don’t know what his policies are because raising taxes on poor/middle class people is not one of them.

Is it really so unfathomable to Americans that people can vote for increased taxes on themselves when those taxes make sense?

yeah. we get that. 

In my high school years, I got so into Sentai and Tokusatsu. I also studied a lot about the evolution of japanese culture in the post-war period in college. The magical transformation thing (Sailor Moon, Sentai) is one fascinating manifestation of attitudes that prevailed in larger society.

But I digress. History and

Remember folks: if you commit a sex crime (surreptitious photography, by definition) by filming people in the bathroom without their knowledge ahead of time, or without their consent during (as was clearly evidenced by the event in question!), you’re gonna be banned for a week. But you WILL get to come back with a

The DLC “Centrist Simulator” comes out later where the mechanics are to *say* you want the end-goals of Democratic Socialism, but every time it’s offered to you or a party member brings it up, you have to stomp it out as viciously as possible on your own or siding with your opposition party.

If I see a bunch of people hammering nails through their dicks I don’t need to join in to know it’s not for me.  

The article’s title is reason enough to expect spoilers inside, and if that’s not enough, there’s a big ol’ spoiler warning bar after the intro paragraphs. If you’re still reading past that point, it’s all on you, my friend.

Spoilers? How? It’s new content being added to the ending of Shadowbringers, which I myself haven’t even beaten yet. But to go into this article not expecting spoilers is a bit silly.